How to add my lines to my FamilySearch tree
I have been using and sync my tree there to FamilySearch. I would like to begin to migrate some of my information into the tree in FamilySearch to relates to my ancestry. Rather than having to type in an ancestor's name and all their vital information, is there a faster way to get what I have into FamilySearch?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Hi - Welcome to FamilySearch Community and asking your question about migrating information from Ancestry to Family Search. There are two ways. The first is the manual process your are already familiar with. The second is using a GEDCOM file. GEDCOM is a long standing protocol for transferring genealogical information from one program to another. There are links below to more detailed instruction but here is a summary.
1) Create a GEDCOM file in Ancestry. You can refer to Ancestry instructions for doing this.
2) Load the GEDCOM file to Family Search. (select SEARCH - GENEALOGIES - Load your Individual Tree) see detailed instructions
3) Compare your files
4) Transfer to family Tree
Please read the detailed instructions for important information. It is recommended that if you are going to transfer the information to family tree, you do so with small GEDCOM files. Please feel free to contact us again for further information.
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I have to point out that FS's GEDCOM transfer process is badly flawed; using it is like working blindfolded, and it very often results in duplicates and other damage to the data in the collaborative Tree.
My suggestion is to go ahead and create the file, and upload it to FS, but stop there: don't proceed to the compare-and-add process. This will create a tree in the Genealogies section of FS, which is like a cloud backup service for genealogy files: the trees there are not editable, but they are publicly searchable and viewable. Use your file there to copy-and-paste data into the Family Tree. This way, you don't need to re-type anything, but you can work with full visibility into what's already in the Tree and what's in your file.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Thanks for your comments. Yes, working with a GEDCOM is difficult. There is yet another alternative which is actually the way I work. There are 3rd party programs which can accept your GEDCOM file. These programs then can interface directly with family search. They allow transfer of information in both directions. Below is a link giving more information about these programs which are listed in the solutions gallery. You will want to look under "Family Tree Management"
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@aresquare I am informed that the syncing you refer to is a manual typing in of Ancestry tree information (which isn't 'syncing' at all). Yes, you can do an easier sync by downloading your gedcom from Ancestry to a 3rd party tree management solution which supports syncing to FamilySearch (as referenced by Wayland above).