The new version
I often wish that new updates would not be needed(?) every week or so and am saddened to learn that the new version, giving the page a new facelift I guess, is supposedly soon to be the permanent new one. It is difficult offerring help to new users when having to relearn yourself what you once new how to navigate. How I wish the option to continue using what is now termed the old version would remain optional as the new version of a profile page just looks too condensed making it more difficult to locate at a glance information in a linear sequence as it had been.
Another problem I have encountered with the new version is in using the option to customize sources. I've become proficient in doing so with the old version to scroll them up or down as I'd liked, but the new version does not always allow me to move them quite as easily to the top or bottom for the placement I desire. I'm often only able to move a source a few placements above or below where it was and then have to move it again until it's where I want it. Just doesn't scroll till I drop it, in otherwords.
Another thing that would be helpful, if it were possible, would be the ablility to slide (add) more complete information from the source being attached (if that be the case) to what one already has or needs while that record is being attached rather than having to open the person page for each individual to edit each indivually. The Family Tree app for mobile devices allows that and it makes it so much simpler.
Thank you for any reply.
Sincerely, Debbie Dyer
Thank you for your comment. There is a group in the community specifically for sharing feedback about the New Person Page. You may want to comment there. Maile 🙂
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The new pages are far more than just a face lift. To understand more about why updates were needed and some of the great new features the update has added, you should view one or both of these RootsTech presentations:
I'm fascinated by the fact that two common complaints about the new Person Detail page are 1) the information is too spread out and 2) the information is too crowded. If what you consider "too condensed" is the two column view, then go to the layout option under Tools and choose the single column option.