Error in Images
In checking for images for Manistee, Michigan, I find "Virgin Islands, Manistee, Michigan" lots of images of census etc. These two places are not even close to each other. I am curious as to why you have Virgin Islands in Manistee County, Michigan. Please advise and have a nice day.
Originally, I sent this through "contacct us" and was told to submit it here.
In your images search you have a Douglas, Manistee, Michigan listed. There is no Douglas within Manistee County Michigan, though there is a Douglas Park in the City of Manistee, I do not think this is related to the images. That set of images is mostly for the Poll family obits. the first one listed is Douglas Poll. I believe this needs to be changed to the correct type of filing. thank you and have a great day
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@N Tychonievich @Mike357 Without seeing the records in question, this sounds as if it may be another instance of the placename standardization problem.
@Toppgen if you can, please supply the URL or screenshot of one of the records you identified with this issue.
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There ae quite a few with the listing of "Virgin Islands, Manistte Michigan" I am sending the main listing and one of an image that is from the 1920 census records near the bottom of the main listing. I am from Manistee, MI but never made it to the Virgin Islands so far :) Have a great day.
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Mike, if you look right above your message , my message gives you the examples
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Can you provide a link to the image or collection?
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I have attached two, One for the main page and one of the first image on the page:
Main search page for these errors:
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I am now attaching links to these pages for you to find them, there are numerous areas marked "Virgin Islands, Manistee, Michigan" in the many pages of listings for the images
The first is the first of many pages of images:
The second is for the 1920 Census for "Virgin Islands, Manistee, Michigan" :
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@Toppgen Sorry it has taken so long for you to get a response. Thank you for the links. When you find errors in Images, please use the Feedback button to record them. That gets the report directly to the group that is developing that part of the website. On this page:, look on the far left edge of the screen for the white feedback button. Click it. Click a face and then a form will open where you can provide the details. Here is a screenshot showing where the feedback button is:
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@N Tychonievich Your link goes to the Polish records website, rather than to a FamilySearch reference.
And - if I visit the link from the OP's post, the Feedback button is dead in Firefox and Chrome, both fully updated, on Windows 10, fully updated.
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I am not sure where you are looking as when I click on that link it takes me to a page which shows me Maniostee, MI with Virgin islands in the mix. and as I use Chrome and windows 11, I take that to mean that I can not use the feeback link ???
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The Feedback Link may work for you @Toppgen. It works for some people, but it hasn't worked for me, on any browser, in months.
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@Toppgen Everyone can use the Feedback button that appears in Search Images. On a search results screen, it is on the far left border of the page. I tried shrinking my screen in case it varies based on size, and it seems to always stay on the far left. It is a white rectangle with the FamilySearch logo in green and the word Feedback. When you are looking at an image, I see it still on the left, although that one seems to sometimes be in the lower right portion of the image viewer. Click it. A little box that says "What do you think of this?" appears. You have to click one of those faces before you can move forward. Fill in the info.
@Áine Ní Donnghaile I have no idea why you are not successful in using that Feedback button. We've tested it with both Church member accounts and public accounts and in various browsers without difficulty. Maybe you can send some details so we can troubleshoot. At what point does it fail? Tell us about your computer and browser preference. Do you keep your cookies and cache cleared on a regular basis? Are your operating system and browser up to date?
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Yes, my browsers and operating system are fully up-to-date. You will find multiple threads where I have counseled others to be sure the browser and system are updated and cookies/cache cleared.
In some cases, the Feedback button displays, but it is dead. No amount of clicking or wishing it would work makes it do anything. In other cases, there just is no Feedback button to use.
I'm running Windows 10 Pro 22H2. All browsers are fully updated, 64-bit. I'm on Firefox 111.0 as I write this, and I have Chrome 111.05563.65 open on my 2nd monitor. Behavior is the same on both.
Feedback button is showing, but it's just a mirage, with no function.
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile I believe in the past you mentioned use of UBlock origin content filter extension? If you are filtering out content that FamilySearch cookie preferences require - that could interfere (just a guess - I don't know if that is the problem).
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile Browser extensions could indeed be a problem. That feedback button on that page works for me, using a public account, in Firefox. My computer is Windows 11, but that should not matter.
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I am not having a problem such as mentioned above but was only commenting on @N Tychonievich statement above. I will use the feed back button on the pages going forward when I find errors. My main issue was the Virgin Islands images showing up in Manistee, MI where there is not connection between them what so ever. :) Have a great day all.
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I currently have no pop-up blocker or adblocker active for FamilySearch on Firefox or Chrome.