B.L.M Tract Books 1800-1955 Part D [M3JT-5CQ]

The first example in the what to index shows using the date in the first column after the persons name as the date of record, although there is a later date further on in the line. In the what to remember about this project it states that if more than one date is recorded, use the latest date. Also the purple question marks also state to use the latest date. What should we use?
I'm pretty sure your doing the same one as me,
told me
"Use the latest date" So the latest date for me was 1934,
use the latest date
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The fact remains that there is a conflict between two parts of the instructions for Part D that someone should look at and resolve going forward so everyone is doing the indexing the same way.
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I have also noticed we should not use the latest date if it is for a cancellation. There are lots of questions and conflicts about project instructions for these records. I keep trying and keep checking the instructions.
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B.L.M Tract Books 1800-1955 Part D [M3JT-5CQ]
What is considered a transaction? The Date of Sale or The Patent Date or The Cancellation Date? Examples I have found show different dates are correct.
Which dates to use are confusing to me too. Same transactions we use the most recent date but not if it was a cancellation??? Still confused.
Continuing with Part D - If there are 3 or more names on the top line or if there is more than 1 name in the Patent area, how do we ensure all names are in the indexing? Add more?
Still Part D - Are we instructed to index the lightly written transactions (to the left of and below the larger printed names) ?
Instructions say to only index States when they are indicated. When there is the name of an Indian Reservation noted in the Patent Column, is that indexed?
We are not to index recorded towns that show up i the Patent column, is this correct also?
I now mostly do reviews. I can see the above questions I have, seem to be the same for others. I need to ensure I'm reviewing correctly. Right now there are too many differences in the batches I review. And not enough detailed information. The examples shown do not answer my questions.