FamilySearch Centers Rebranding

When will additional information be provided regarding the renaming/rebranding of Family History Centers to FSCs? What type of materials will FamilySearch provide to Centers? Will FamilySearch centers be allowed to use FamilySearch logos and images?
Best Answer
Materials are being distributed via stake presidents by the end of February. Please check with your stake president.
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This Link can help you find additional material with the new rebranding. FamilySearch (
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Having seen the printed description of the various options for remodeling of FamilySearch Centers, I'm really excited. However, it's going to be a somewhat lengthy process because of the costs and the need to include such remodeling in budgets for stakes hosting FamilySearch Centers. That's a process to be negotiated between our stake presidents and the Facilities Management (FM) Group covering each area. But in some areas, it may help to at least surface questions up through your high councilor over temple and family history activities to your stake president for local discussion. Just be aware that there are multiple factors in this happening, and that it will not be happening for all 5000+ FSCs around the world in just a matter of a couple of months.
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I was looking at the materials available to order for FamilySearch Centers that are printed through BYU print services. The contact card, rack handouts, and the door hours of operation cards have no way for us to have our correct hours printed on them. We are currently open from 10:00am - 4:00 pm and 6:00pm - 8:30pm on Tuesday but the way the order form is set up there is no way to have two sets of hours in the same day. I have seen other centers with this situation. I contacted the print services and they said that FamilySearch gives them the parameters and they have no way to change them. I would like to give feedback to FamilySearch about this so we are able to use these materials created for FamilySearch Centers. I don't know if this is the correct place to do that but this is where the feedback link takes me. Thank you.
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sorry reposting this so it may get seen as it directly concerns the materials in the link given in the above comment:
I was looking at the materials available to order for FamilySearch Centers that are printed through BYU print services. The contact card, rack handouts, and the door hours of operation cards have no way for us to have our correct hours printed on them. We are currently open from 10:00am - 4:00 pm and 6:00pm - 8:30pm on Tuesday but the way the order form is set up there is no way to have two sets of hours in the same day. I have seen other centers with this situation. I contacted the print services and they said that FamilySearch gives them the templates and they have no way to change them. I would like to give feedback to FamilySearch about this so we are able to use these materials created for FamilySearch Centers. I don't know if this is the correct place to do that but this is where the feedback link takes me. Thank you.