My son's account won't show ancestors

Is there a way I can connect my son's account to mine? Or somehow get it to add our ancestors?
Also, he created a new account and it gave him a new ID number, which is different from the ID number I have for him in my account (I'm his mom). How do we resolve that?
I know you can connect your son's account to yours.
I think in FamilySearch with ID numbers everyone living person has a different ID number. I know that my living parents have different ID numbers for me.
I think you should ask for help from a Temple and Family History Consultant in your area.
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He will have his own profile, with his own PID, when working in his account. It will always be different from the profile you have for him. The system is designed that way for privacy of the living.
To connect to his deceased ancestors, in HIS account, he will need to create separate profiles for you, his father, his grandparents (if they are still living) before he can link to the first generation of deceased ancestors.
His version of your profile will only exist in his own private space, just as your profile for him exists only in your own private space.
This Help Center article may help: