catagories for memories in new version

I am trying out the new version of a person's page. I notice that added memories are not categorized as photos, documents and stories but just lumped together in the order added. Why is that? I would prefer them categorized like the old version. Is there a way to do that or is that still a work in progress??
Becky Schultz
The PDFs have a small icon labeling them as such. I have uploaded audio, and that has an appropriate icon to tell what that file is. Both of those can be seen appropriately by using the filters for documents or audio. If you filter only for photos, all your images will appear. I'm not sure I quite agree with you that they are not categorized as photos. BUT, have I misunderstood something? Perhaps you preferred the old style of grouping photos on top and other files types below. You probably should engage in the New Person Page group that has been set up for feedback. It took me a while to get used to the New Person Page in general, but now I never use the old version.
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Memories in the new person page view can be filtered, sorted, & searched.
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The nice thing about the new single group for memories is that when dates are added to each one, then you can make use of the chronological sort. Then that photo your father graduating from high school will be right next to the document that is his diploma and right next to the audio clip of the speech he gave and the story his mother wrote about the day that you typed in instead of the four items being scattered out in four different sections.
But if you really prefer to see just one type of file at a time, then use the filters as described by Miss Jessie to look at just Photos or just Stories or just Documents or just Audios. These filters are more convenient than the previous division into separate sections because instead of needing to scroll down the page, seeing just the first few in a section, and then needing to click "more," all you need to do is open the side panel, click on any of the buttons, and you are shown everything of that type all at once.
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I don't like the Memories section of the new version. All the photos, documents, and stories are found in one place. It's messy to look at and is difficult to have to search through all the information to find what I want. The current version is much easier to navigate with photos, documents, and stories in their own section. Before releasing the new version, could it have the Memories section just as it is currently? Why "fix" something that ain't "broken", as they say?
Thank you.
Kent Buckner
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Across the top, you will see a series of icons representing the different types of memories. If you click on any one of them, you will see only that type of memory (photo, story, document, audio).
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Please return the memory to the three sections of photos, documents and stories. I find it very hard to figure out what anything is when I look at my ancestors memories. I loved being able to go right to the stories and read them to my grandchildren. This new look is not easy to navigate nor even pleasant to go through!
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Have you tried the "Filter" button at the top right?