Can DNA Prove We Are All Related? • FamilySearch
Can DNA Prove We Are All Related? • FamilySearch
Our connection to one another runs deeper than any of us imagined. Many faces, many differences, yet all of us are connected. Our story can …
hola queridos hnos . de soporte de familysearch. 18 enero 2023
estoy pidiendo la ayuda de algun miembro que sepa sobre el tema del adn.
soy miembro de la iglesia, barrio libia , estaca maroñas , montevideo , uruguay y estoy buscando a mi padre biologico.
mi nombre es hugo daniel martin saracho.
soy socio de ancestry y de gedmatch ,
encontre varios parientes pero no se como seguir para encontrar a mi padre biologico , capaz que algun hno . me puede ayudar ahora que viene la conferencia de rootech de genealogia mundial.
me hice el examen de adn en ancestry y luego lo subi a gedmatch.
desde ya les agradezco toda su ayuda . no puedo pagar y tampoco quiero hacer mal uso de estas tecnologias nuevas .(mesclar una cosa con otra). desde ya muchas gracias a todos
hno. hugo daniel martin saracho
Google Translate - Spanish to English:
Hello dear brothers. familysearch support. 18 January 2023
I am asking for the help of any member who knows about the subject of DNA.
I am a member of the church, Libyan neighborhood, Maroñas stake, Montevideo, Uruguay and I am looking for my biological father.
My name is Hugo Daniel Martin Saracho.
I am an ancestry and gedmatch member,
I found several relatives but I don't know how to continue to find my biological father, maybe some brother. Can you help me now that the world genealogy rootech conference is coming.
I took the dna test on ancestry and then uploaded it to gedmatch.
I thank you in advance for all your help. I can't pay and I don't want to misuse these new technologies either. (Mix one thing with another). Of course, thank you very much to everyone
Atte. hno. hugo daniel martin saracho
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Sorry for writing in English rather than Espanol,
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