Errors in the tree

It is extremely irritating and frustrating to see time after time an incorrect entry in someone else’s tree about a close relative of mine. I have tried to complain about this, but have got nowhere. Emails come to me from Family Search, supposedly giving me information about my supposed paternal gt.grandmother, who is no relation of mine. In another tree, my maternal grandmother is in someone’s tree as being in Australia, which is absolute rubbish. She lived and died in Lancashire, where I grew up with her. Is there any way of correcting these incorrect records? Thank you. Pam.
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Hello Pam, (NPamela2)
I'm pretty sure you can "detach" your grandmother from the tree by going to your grandmother in the tree and click on "Person" then find "Source Linker" then Detach. I'm doing this from memory I think that is right.
If you can't manage it I could do it for you. Incidentally the trees don't belong to one person on FamilySearch it is a communal tree so you are allowed to make corrections if you are very sure.
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@NPamela2, there is no such thing as "someone else's tree" or "another tree" on FamilySearch, because the Family Tree here is one, single, communal, cooperative tree. It is intended to have one -- and only one! -- profile for every deceased person.
The other important thing to know about the Family Tree on FamilySearch is that it is open-edit: anyone -- including you! -- can make changes to nearly anything in the tree, after logging in.
Errors in the Tree are often caused by honest mistakes: many people misunderstand the collaborative nature, and make "corrections" as if it were their own, private tree, changing one person into another rather than disconnecting and reconnecting relationships, and merging profiles when nothing besides the name matches. Recovering from these mistakes can get convoluted, but everything is saved in a profile's Change Log, so no information is lost.