New Free Historical Records on FamilySearch 7 November 2022 • FamilySearch

New Free Historical Records on FamilySearch 7 November 2022 • FamilySearch
Find more family in the 1950 US Census, New York Land Records, expanded collections for England, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Spain and elsewhere!
How about the Philippines, aren't you having new updates?
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How about bringing back the British Columbia Canada Death Registration Documents? I used to be able to print them off before and now they are gone.
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Need info on George Alt born Germany came to USA
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Anything for South Africa.
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About Albania?
All of these are amazing
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This is great! Thanks to all the indexers!
I so wish the digital images were available. I am often able to identify people with information that indexing sometimes leaves out, such as occupations.
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What about Haiti?
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Please kindly add Porto portugal
1950 backwards
Vila da feira
Passos de Ferreira
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When making a large update to an already large database (such as NY land records, the week of 13 Nov 2022), it would be wonderful, if on the page holding the record set you would note exactly which records have been added, something akin to "Westchester County lis pendens." This would allow researchers who regularly keep research logs to be able to identify which record sets they should revisit.
Thank you!
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Do you know where I could get some genealogy surname book for the area of Warschau, Poland. Thank you
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Thanks to all those that index and add records. Hoping you'll add any and all church records from Zubiena, Biella, Italy.
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Looking for Burial Site for my Great Great Grandmother, Marie Sophia Heinze Kestner-1807-1890, Adams County, Illinois
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Is there access to Welsh records?
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I would like to find out how are related to Robert E Lee I’ve been told on my life that I was in my grandson belongs to this website they just told him he wasn’t he was my dad‘s fifth cousin my dad was born in 1893 and died in 1940 his name was Victor Lee his dad was Victor Lee his dad was John Wesley Lee and his dad was Frederick Lee wife Sarah Irons John Wesley‘s wife was Emily Jane White
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My dad’s dead Mr. Lee born 1868 died July 27, 1893 the year my dad was born and drowned my dad was four months old but
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Thank you to all indexers for a great job.
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I hope you will ad the Philippines
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Thank you for all your hard work and time you put in for this most helpful endeavor. Philippines would be nice. However it'd be most helpful if there were a Native American Indians record. Finding relatives thru frequent moves, name, identity changes, tribe and relocation, reservations. Can't get info about smaller tribes. I realize they weren't even given citizens recognition till the late 1900s and the Indian census wasn't compiled for Indian linage, mainly kept track of how where they were, where the got moved to and the likes. Bureau of Indian affairs isn't to helpful either.
Thank you again
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@Herminio66 @GoogieBrown @ninazoraqi1 @jeanferaisagenor1 @Tina Carvalho @Janbaietty @BobbyGeorge2 @LaurentSaumure @cynthiacorrea2
This article lists new record collections that have been added recently. New collections are added weekly. For record availability for the areas you are inquiring about check out these resources: You can search Record Collections to find all transcribed/indexed records. If you don't find what you're looking for there, I recommend exploring the Historical Record Images that have not been transcribed/indexed yet. You may also find what you are looking for in the FamilySearch Catalog. Also make sure to check out the FamilySearch Research Wiki.
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i couldn’t find my country. Samoa in the Pacific. I hope it be listed soon. I need to do indexing for our people to find their ancestors. 1600 —1900. year of birth. Thank you
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I tried your site once, I was really happy with my finding.thank you so much,for a site people can use. my hat is off to your site.
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Could not find Sicily.