Why has my Entire History been Removed

Ctrl spent over a year compiling an accurate family history back to the year 1012 AD. I can tell you how difficult that was by the many times I've had to do various searches through civil war military personnel recotds, census records and many more. It's not easy even when my family had a family tree listing everyone back to the colonial days. Then going through whatever country of origin.
You'd think that this organization would have an interest in an accurate family history being the idea of the website. But nooo, apparently they aren't. My question asks why on earth would FS erase all the research I have done?
I'm seriously disappointed
@CasYoung, first, FamilySearch does not "erase" research. So, now we can move on to why you are unable to find your family history. There is one thing I would like you to try first. After you sign-in to Family Tree, click the Icon that looks like a little house. Does that bring everything back?
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Please clarify your situation.
as Chas stated - the research is surely not removed across the board -
it may simply be that you are looking in the wrong place
If you can provide more details - we can point you at where it may be.
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You will find all your hard work saved in your personal Contributions list. The link to it is generic, so I can give you my link to my list and for you it will take you to your own list.
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Question: Are you using the same account you used to create the records in question. Or have you by chance created a new account?
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@CasYoung , can you give us a little feedback? Your issue is likely solvable if you work with us. You have been asked a couple of questions and have been given some suggestions. What were the results? Do you still have the same problem or is it solved?