Partner Access Mismatch Need to update Solutions Gallery
At you are able to join Filae for free. It is not listed in the Solutions Gallery. It should be add there too.
When I go to "Partners" in the Help Center, it is there. PaulaAnn
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The reason it does not appear in the Solutions Gallery under LDS Access is probably because MyHeritage bought Filae and "Following the acquisition, the exclusive historical record collections housed on Filae, comprising more than one billion records, will be loaded into MyHeritage and made accessible to MyHeritage users..."
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The real point of my comment is that there should be consistency in the database in the manner in which information is presented. Having access to the same information through different paths should result in being able to sign up for the same things. Telling someone to go sign up for Filae and leaving a path to sign up for things which results in failure should be fixed. This maybe the wrong place to bring this up. If it is, will somebody direct me to the right people to fix it. There is also a couple of problems in the tutorial for wiki University.