How to access the microfilms
Dear all
Maybe I am too stupid but I am unable to access the digitalized microfilms. I enter the location, in my case "Kölliken, Aargau, Switzerland" but then it cannot find anything.
What do I do wrong?
I understand that all microfilm have been digitalized, so how can I access them?
Who would be as kind as to give me instructions?
Thanks a lot
Best Answer
It seems others are asking the same questions about Kölliken:
What was previously listed is no longer listed.
Similarly at:
under the Parish Records section ( good information about accessing - these records are not too accessible it appears) the link to FamilySearch no longer appears to work:
When I searched for Kölliken here at FamilySearch - it found no results and directed me to search Aargau.
What I see for Aargau, Switzerland under Search> Images:
You are correct - the list currently has no images for Kölliken. I do not know what has happened to them - as you indicate they were there in the past - but suspect PMLynch is correct - the change in records availability is probably due to licensing restrictions from the Record Custodian(s).
I was also not aware that Kölliken is in the district of Zofingen - as Julia directed above.
If you ask your question in the FamilySearch Switzerland group you might get an answer from someone knowing what has happened with those records.
or possibly it appears you could direct the question to the State Archives?
Why do you believe FS has any records from Kölliken?
Regarding digitization: "digitized" does not mean "online", and "online" does not necessarily mean "accessible from home".
For example, FS does have church registers from Zofingen (, but they all have a camera-with-key icon, and the message if I click on one indicates that these records can be viewed only at FHCs or affiliate libraries. (The message/accessibility may be different for someone with an LDS account on FS.)
As another example, a lot of the civil registers from Hungary were filmed/imaged by FamilySearch. However, if those images are grouped with records that are past the privacy cutoffs, then they are not available online, and have a film-reel icon in the catalog. See for example the city of Esztergom: The film reel does not mean "not digitized": all of these records have been digitized (or were digital images in the first place). The icon just means that they're not online.
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Dear Peter thank you for polite your email. As you say if you go into Search at the top of the landing page, then Images and in The Place space type Aargau Switzerland and you get Image currently unavaiable (forbidden). This will be because of rights for thise images. often they can be seen in local family history centres or affiliated libraries. If you know whom you are looking for try the Look up Service in Salt Lake which is free. You can access the images this way also Here are some helpful URLs. also try Wiki. Go into search and the last on the link Wiki has a vast range of information on different countries.,_Switzerland_Genealogy
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Dear all
thanks for your answers and the interesting links.
I am 100% sure that FS has all church books of Kölliken on microfilms. Previously, I could order them online and they would be shipped to the family history center nearby (Pratteln), where I could consult them.
Now "Kölliken" does not even show up as a possible choice. I would have expected to see them with a camera-with-key icon, but I am not even getting that far because of the reason mentioned.
I am very happy to go to the local family history center to access those but I am concerned that nothing will be showing up, not even under "forbidden" status.
I have been active in the field for 10 years now, and have visited state archives as well as church archives in many places including Kölliken. I have been at the local family history center many times to consult microfilms. But I have never been so frustrated as I am now with this new setup. There must be a place from where I can see what kind of files are available
Thanks for all your help