Catalog error
Good day, film #1692932 items #1-2 contains deaths for Sannicandro di Bari, Bari, Puglia, Italy 1871-1881, then deaths for 1882 Sammichele di Bari, Bari, Puglia, Italy, then deaths 1883-1900 for Sammichele again.
film #1692895 item 2-3 contains death records for the town of Sammimchele di Bari, Bari, Puglia, Italy 1866-1881, then deaths for the town of Sannicandro di Bari 1882, then deaths 1883-1900 for Sammichele again.
simple explaination, 1882 deaths for the two towns are on the film for the opposite town.
I was informed that catalog errors should be reported to the email address
I've reported a few that way, and I have received acknowledgment emails that the error will be corrected.
Good luck!
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