Error Report - Auto Standardization - Truncation of Place Name Removes Information.

In this situation, the original place name is correct as shown by comparing the source description to the Baptism Place (Original). However, the auto-standardization routine removed the parish and left just the clerical district:
Personally when I add this information to Family Tree, I use this to let me know which church the child was christened at and since the Stord Clerical District is equivalent to Stord municipality, would enter this as Stord Kirke, Stord, Hordaland, Norway (That is, Stord Church, Stord, Hordaland, Norway) under christening in the Vitals Section. I do not use the Source Linker to add the information because it incorrectly adds a custom Baptism event. Stord Kirke is in the Places database.
I've seen similar problems. I can't remember any examples, but I have seen many instances where "standardization" would cause information to be lost.
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As i've been working in Family Tree today, I am seeing a pattern that is showing a fundamental problem in the record sets I am using for sources and have to modify my comments above. The Baptism Place (Original) in the image above is only accidentally correct because the parish and clerical district happen to have the same name. They were actually incorrect because the names were reversed! This is turning out to be a widespread error due to the way the Norwegian Archives set up the names of the parish registers and how this was pulled into the source description. I'll detail this more in the new example I just came to and will post next.