Printing only one ordinance at a time - how to - why it's important
When I reserve or share ordinances for a person I want to only print the ordinances planned to be done at the temple that day. We have been directed to do this so that printed but not completed ordinances won't get lost or forgotten. I am very frustrated and confused though when trying to select only one type of ordinance such as one endowment, some baptism/confirmation or some initiatory. I am only given the choice of all or none of the individual ordinances. I want to send the baptism/confirmations with the YM/YW but then all of the ordinances will appear as printed. When, as they are now, the baptism/confirmation cards (as well as all other completed ordinances) are taken to be recorded, the card with that person's remaining individual ordinances will be lost.
Was this a recent change? I thought I had that choice several weeks ago.
It works for me okay. I printed some cards for baptisms & confirmations for an upcoming ward youth temple visit just a few days ago. If you select the people you want and then deselect the ordinances you do not want, the cards should print correctly.
Note that the ordinances must be selected in order. You cannot only select initiatory or endowment without also selecting the baptism & confirmation (unless those have already been done of course).
Graham Buckell
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From the print page, that is possible. That's what I remember. But this is the request page. It's all or none. If I select reserve all - at that point it doesn't break it up.