Can we add the option to add a person by ID number when attaching a record such as a census?
I am working on an individual and his family. There are currently at least five ID numbers for this individual and each of his family members have multiples as well. I tried attaching a census record to the ID number I have chosen to be the one I keep. It gives me the option to add his children, but it only lets me add individuals family search brings up or to create a new individual. I don't want to create more individuals that will need to be merged. Ellen Elizabeth Horrel (ID M4SY-4RX) is who I would like to add. However, she is not suggested. I would love to see an add by ID number option in this situation.
From the point where you made the screenshot, do this:
- cancel
- on the right side of the Source Linker use the Change button to change the Selected Person.
I find it very helpful to merge all duplicate profiles I can find before attaching more historical records.