Failed factory reset on new computer

I have three new computers in my ward's family history center that I tried to set up last week and had to abandon the setup when the center's unit number and email address were not accepted.
When I started two this week, they apparently picked up where they left off and mostly completed the setup. The third did not.
Since I could not find any instructions how to restart the process, I decided to run a factory reset as explained in the one page instruction sheet that came with the computer - Left mouse click, click restart, click troubleshoot, click reset.
The reset dialog did not match the description on the instruction sheet. There were two options, essentially erase all user data and reset and save user data and reset.
I clicked clear all user data and reset since I wanted to do over entirely.
That apparently got me into some Microsoft installer that was not the setup program that ran when I first turned on the computer. The installer asked me about keyboards and language, then after a bit went into an automated network setup step and then ashed me for either a personal Microsoft account or an orgainzation account. I have no idea what the organizational account is, and probably don't want to know. I also had no intent to set up a personal email account.
The installer would not proceed unless I picked one or the other, so the install is stuck. Power off and on just repeats the process.
What do I need to do to get the FHC installer script to run?
Best Answer
I got this resolved a year ago after contacting tech support at Dell and church tech support, so nobody needs to spend any time on this. I'm not sure why this popped up now.
What I remember is that I powered on the computer and it started the automatic script. That script failed because I got the prompt for unit number and password wrong. I may have been able to get past that somehow, but then the installation state was wrong. I may have rebooted a few times to try to get the install completed.
When that got me nowhere, I decided to perform the built in factory reset to start over. That went downhill to the point the boot didn't recognize the drive as being in the right configuration. Dell and church tech support eventually figured out that the drive configuration in the bios was set up as RAID, which is odd since there was only one drive. We fixed that only to be stuck with the hardware reset boot sequence, not the FHC setup script.
Church support was able to fix that and problem solved.
This would have been a lot easier if the computer was shipped completely set up so all that I had to do was turn it on. The only manual step that was needed was entering the unit number and email address. That could have been done by whoever installed the church install script that runs at power on.
I see you have an issue with the family search Centre computers what ever you do don't do any thing else with out consulting with Global Services Department you will need to get contact with very own Stake Technology specialists because he has the rights to make direct contact with the Global Services Department. And don't use the Normal Operating System from Microsoft the church has there own Microsoft people who work for the church they are ones that put the Operating system on the new computers because its to deal with Copyright and the church very strict Rules,Policy, Procedures, Protocol in place to member are not allow allowed to install any other Operating system from the Microsoft website to the FamilySearch Centre Computers to only the Church Global Services Department Tech People can put the new Operating system on the new computer to Please Contact your nearest Stake Technology Specialist for your FamilySearch Centres.
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The Windows 10 Operating System Image that is pre-installed on FamilySearch Centre computers is specially prepared with a variety of special and proprietary software components.
When a new FSC computer is first booted when arriving in a FamilySearch Centre, it runs a bespoke installation script, which was created in the FH Lab in Utah. The script runs almost completely automatically.
Brother Johnson with the failed computer situation will now have to obtain the latest version of the FSC computer Image, prepare this on a USB installation drive and then re-image the new but failed computer.
Go to the English page of the FSC Help website and view the help videos on links 9, 10 and 11.
Cheerio for now, Elder Beck.
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