Personal Temple Reservation Lists FAQ • • FamilySearch Blog

In November 2021, personal temple reservation lists will be limited. Come find answers to your questions about this new reservation limit update.
I have thousands of names I have submitted for Temple Ordinances and have Shared them all because I am 83, disabled, and cannot do them personally. However, recently I submitted names and get that pink label that tells me to Share them, but can't get back to Share them. An example is a couple where I can get back to Share them: G8GG-PNH and G8GG-PNG.
Diane Eve Boulet Wirth
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How do I remove individual names from my temple reservation list? I have two individuals that died as infants. They have been sealed to their parents, so all their temple work is done, but they are still listed on my temple reservation list. How can I remove them from the temple reservation list?
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Please sign in to FamilySearch and check out his Help Center article for instructions:
How do I unreserve or release family names from my temple list?
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I reserved some ordinances several years ago but did not do them. Since then someone else has reserved the same names and ordinances and both of our names are listed as having reserved them. How do I remove my name from the reservation?
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If you shared them to the shared temple list, you cannot release them if someone else has reserved them. However, if you reserved them from the shared temple list, you can unreserve them.
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How do we go about getting to the names since they are blocked?
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I'm not sure what you mean by the names being blocked. Please contact FamilySearch Support directly for assistance.
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If one is unable to complete a reservation by its deadline, must they re-reserve that name before completing them later? If one does have to re-reserve, does one also have to re-print?
Alternatively, could one just check the expired name's status to make sure the temple hasn't already done them, and if the temple hasn't, bring the original/expired card in?
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If you are going to take the card to the temple, you should have the reservation. So, if you have it and it is going to expire, you can unreserve and reserve again to restart the clock. You can use the same card or you can reprint a new one.
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My father recently passed. How do I make sure the names he had personally reserved to do temple work for are released back into the system??
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Please sign in to FamilySearch to see this Help article:
A person who reserved ordinances has died, is incapacitated, or had a withdrawal of membership
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How do I release names I have reserved so others can pick them up?
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@Diane Johnson_2_1 Please check this help center article for instructions: How do I unreserve or release family names from my temple list?
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This is Sister Maxfield at The Riverton Family Search Center. I am helping a patron who is unable to print cards once her reservations hit the 300 name limit. She would like you to either change the verbiage on the limit so that is is accurately portrayed or change the system so that it allows her to still print the cards when it hits 300. This has been happening to her for months. It is unfortunate when she has to remove names in order to print when she has not gone over the 300 PID limit. I have verified that this is a true issue. Can this be fixed?
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janetmariemaxfield1 This sounds like a question for Family Search Support. You can contact them at:
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I notice there are several names in my Reserved list that I am not familiar with. How did they get there? They were reserved April 3, 2024… I have not been on lately…..
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rosezannaleewebster1 This sounds like a question for Family Search Support. You can contact them at: