Marriage Banns - Italia (Antenati Italiani), Ancona—Stato Civile, 1544–1945 [Parte H] [M34Y-NGN]
I am indexing this record. Per the record, the wedding took place December 31, 1944. However, if you read the section below which talks about the publishing of the banns, you will notice that the banns were published between the 19th and 28th January 1945 in Fabriano and between 15th and 25th of February 1945 in Nettunia (where the bride was born). Is it at all possible that the banns were published after the marriage? That makes no sense to me!
According to the Project instructions : Do not index records of banns (public announcements of marriages or Promesse di Matrimonio), indexes, or attachments. Index only records of actual marriages. I would not worry about the Banns. The researcher will determine what to make of that information.