Obviously wrong data on record
Indexing the record: Image Name005095736_00156Batch IDM3QW-FQL which gives the discharge year of 1945 then also has the birth year of 1945! Obviously an error but now what to do about it? My intent is to enter all fields that seem rational but place ???? in the field which seems an error. I know it's whats displayed but someone trying to find it later will be in the wrong era and with much less information to troubleshoot what is wrong.
This article may cover this issue:
How should I index incorrect records?
While indexing, you may see information on the record itself that is incorrect. Always review project instructions or field helps as each project can have specific guidelines; however, here are some general guidelines to follow.
Miscellaneous mistakes
Here is an example of a miscellaneous record error:
On a death certificate, the clerk recorded the death date as "February 30," and the attending physician wrote that he last attended the patient on "February 3." February does not have 30 days. Can the indexer conclude that the correct death date is February 3?
In general, type only what was shown on the document. The purpose of indexing is to create an accurate record of the information on the original image, mistakes and all. However, rules vary from project to project. Check the field help, which will give any exceptions to this general rule.
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