My 2g grandfather have been merged into a single person in a family tree.

I have discovered a similar issue with my ancestors.
My 2g grandfather Jacob Kindley (1834-1862) and Jacob Shedrick Kindley (1852-1917) have been merged into a single person in a family tree. Their facts are attached to one person. They both lived in the area that borders Randolph County and Davidson County NC. How do I disconnect facts that merge them?
This means their spouses, their descendants, and their ancestors are merged.
Now, when I look at myself at FamilySearch my Kindley and Copple my ancestors are incorrect! The family tree is a mess!
I wish people who really do not "KNOW" the relationships would stop doing that, especially those who are not family members. I know they want to help. But when the information they connect to a person is incorrect, it is actually a hinderance to anyone looking for the truth.
I don't know where to start, but I would like to correct the info.
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Think of a tangled ball of string. Where do you start? With the free ends that stick out.
So look at the edges of the mess. Find ancestors or descendants or spouses who are not conflated, and work on their profiles first. I usually start with the spouses. Go through all their attached sources, finishing attachments, entering and standardizing event dates and places on the profile. Attach new sources. Merge duplicates. Look at their timeline on their Sources page (web interface only, this feature is not yet on the mobile app). Remove from their profiles any information that does not belong to them. Remove details that appear to be guesses: not supported by sources, contradicted by sources, etc.
Very often, by the time you have done all that for all the profiles on the periphery of the conflated part of the family tree, the conflation is now much smaller and easier to see, and you will be able to see without difficulty how to fix it.
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dontiknowyou painted an accurate picture for your starting point...a tangled ball of string for your Jacob Kindley L7TP-18N and Jacob Shadrack Kindley LJ2L-6W5 conflation of families, sources and alternate facts (residences).
A quick review of "the typical" entanglement points shows an odd occurrence I hadn't seen before. The same sources are linked to both men and their wives. Maybe a new change to the system I'm not aware of? Would be curious on this point (source linking to multiple PIDs) if some of the more tenured users on the board have knowledge.
At some point, the thread by thread untangling will need to include source reviews and detaching of the same from the incorrect persons. I took care of some of the thread pulling to narrow your work field down a bit (as dontiknowyou suggests for staring points). As you do your own housekeeping, keep in mind as the sources are cleaned, there may be an associated fact field such as residence that needs to be deleted (e.g. 1880, 1900, 1910 census enumerations residence adds made by others to L7TP-18N or to his wife Delilah).
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The same sources are linked to both men and their wives.
I have seen that before. Many times, in fact.
It is easily corrected in the Source Linker, using the Detach button. When there are multiple attachments the system will display them in a pop-up menu so the incorrect attachments can be removed.
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Part of @NCWarner's tangle is something I don't see often. An event in North Carolina is mapped onto Nashville Tennessee.
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The suggestions are helpful but we will list below how to fix the concerns you have. These articles can be found in the Help Center which is found by clicking on the circle with the ? mark in it and then scroll down to Help Center. Choose the section you need and put your question in. Here are a few links to assist.
Thank you
Family Search