England and Wales Census, 1841 location appears wrong
I'm trying to fix some errors in geographical information in Census records which may have been introduced by FamilySearch post processing of the records. All of the family information (marriage, births) lists the location as Crayke / Craike in the North Riding of Yorkshire. This is a manor a mile away from Easingwold in what is now North Yorkshire. However, even though the registration district in the census is shown as Easingwold, the original location is shown as "Craike, Durham, England" and the Event Place as "Crayke, Durham, England, United Kingdom". I can't find a Crayke or Craike in or near Durham, which is 60 miles away from Easingwold. There's no indication of how to report this problem. Any idea how I can fix this?
Example: John Stillingfleet, "England and Wales Census, 1841" • FamilySearch
Best Answer
If you go to https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=craike+durham&ei=cSRoYuTIKpmT8gLas77YAg&ved=0ahUKEwikxd-wmbL3AhWZiVwKHdqZDysQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=craike+durham&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCgguEMcBEK8BEA0yBggAEA0QHjIICAAQCBANEB4yCAgAEAgQDRAeMggIABAIEA0QHjIICAAQCBANEB4yCAgAEAgQDRAeMggIABAIEA0QHjIICAAQCBANEB4yCAgAEAgQDRAeOgcIABBHELADOgoIABBHELADEMkDOg8ILhDUAhDIAxCwAxBDGAE6BQguEIAEOgQIABAeOgYIABAKEB46CggAELEDEIMBEA06BAgAEA06BwgAELEDEA06CAgAEBYQChAeOgYIABAWEB5KBAhBGABKBAhGGABQ_QtYqSNgmSpoAXABeACAAW-IAdIEkgEDNi4xmAEAoAEByAEKwAEB2gEECAEYCA&sclient=gws-wiz you will at least get an explanation of the county issue.
Also, the GENUKI page at https://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/YKS/NRY/Crayke shows Crayke was in the Bishopric of Durham, hence the confusion relating to its actual, geographical location.
Regarding your issue of fixing the problem in the census records, it is doubtful this will be addressed - especially as these records come across from Find My Past. There are many more examples of a similar nature that have been reported on this forum. You will need to add a note when attaching these sources to individuals in Family Tree, but you can do little else at present - other than what you have done in reporting the problem here.
Thank you for your comprehensive answer, I hadn't considered it could be an exclave of Durham at the time of the census.
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@Paul Nutton Since the index comes from findmypast.com, FamilySearch cannot make corrections to place errors in the index. But you could contact findmypast directly and ask them to make the needed correction. It does appear that you have to sign in to the website before you can use the "Help Hub", though. If you don't have an account, but know someone who does, maybe a friend could post for you.