A Guest has Serious Concerns about Privacy on FamilySearch

How should I respond to a guest who says: After reading all about this New Document Page, and going on the forum, I was extremely disappointed at the Privacy issues, and by that I mean that the information you have compiled can be sent to Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, you don’t even have to go through FamilySearch. This opens a portal for the scammers and crooks to gather family information, a big problem today. They should only have allowed this Life Summary to be accessed within FamilySearch. Now I am hesitant to upload anything, photos, memories etc. Maybe you can pass on my vent and changes made to protect privacy within FamilySearch. Thank you so much for your help.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
So that we may better be able to help/assist ...
In relation to the reference to the "... New Document Page ..."
Question: WAS that reference, by the User/Patron, in relation to the (NEW'ish) "Discovery Pages"?
ie. In "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [ .org ]
Please advise/clarify.
'Thank You'. in advance.
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Entendemos tu Preocupación tratamos de Hacer lo mejor.
Te dejo este articulo espero sea de mucha ayuda
Espero pueda ayudarte y deseándote lo mejor .Cualquier duda comunícate con gusto te ayudaremos
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That whole "rant" is just making me shake my head. FamilySearch is a world tree where there is a collaboration of information and a vast collection of sources. It is free. And searchable. (Don't tell her, but all memories are searchable by all so called "guests".) How does she think there will be ANY limitation on who can see her ancestor's life summary by saying access should be only from within FamilySearch? It sounds like FamilySearch is NOT for her.
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I have a lot of sympathy for this person. The Discovery pages being out on the open web where every search engine can see them was quite a shock to me when it started.