Are there records available for Nymburk or Nimberg, Bohemia and how can I find them.
Best Answer
@fricibacsi, It appears that Nymburk is a town in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. Searching the Catalog for Nymburk, using a Keyword search, I find several Catalog entries that include "Nymburk." Many of those are associated with the Czech Republic. Below is the result of my search of the Catalog. You can click on any of the entries to see what the associated Catalog page contains. I hope that you will find items that meet you needs.
Using the same approach, I found no items that contained "Nimberg."
Using the Keyword search option, when one is not sure if FamilySearch contains records on a particular town, etc, is an excellent way to quickly determine what, if anything, might be available.
Once we knew that Nymburk was part of the Czech Republic, then the approach suggested by @A van Helsdingen provides an organized approach to searching for Nymburk. It is always a good way to start your research. The use of a Keyword search then supports, and becomes ancillary to, that approach.
FamilySearch does not have everything. Try this page from the FamilySearch Wiki for advice on other websites/archives with the records: