What is the best way to record 'remarriages' within a family?

For example, Jane married Sam. They divorced a year later and married other people. Then a few years later, they both divorced their spouses. Jane and Sam remarried, then divorced again. I've entered all the appropriate data in the marriage key next to their names. When it closes, it only shows the first marriage date. So it looks like Jane was married two times, instead of the actual three times. Thank you.
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
Sadly ...
On the "Person/Details" page/screen, of an individual/person ...
Short Answer: We ONLY ever 'see', the FIRST "Event" ... we DO NOT 'see', ANY, of the SUBSEQUENT "Events".
Unfortunately ...
That is the CURRENT "Design", of the "Couple" Relationship, (ie. In, the "Family Members" Section) ...
ONLY the EARLIEST 'Dated' "Event" WILL appear ...
Note: Even, if a Couple "Divorce", that "Event" DOES NOT appear.
So ...
That Said ...
Of course, one will NOT 'see', MULTIPLE, "Marriages"; and/or, "Divorces", for the SAME Couple, on the "Person/Details" page/screen.
ALL that one CAN do is ... make sure, that the "Events" are ALL listed ... in the "Pop-Up" (ie. "Modal") 'Window', of the "Couple Relationship", in "Chronological" ('Date') order.
Nothing more, nothing less ...
Sorry ...
Just my thoughts.
Who knows, things may "Change" in the FUTURE ...
I know, that this certainly may not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective.
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In Family Tree's current setup, if you want more than a couple's earliest relationship event to show without requiring archaeology gear, you'll need to enter them as custom events under Other Information. Yes, this means double work, because you have to create the custom events on two profiles.
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I had one example of a marriage, divorce than remarriage to same spouse. as a personal preference for unique helpful to knows and "outside the box" events, like this one, I entered the info. not only into the standardized marriage fields as you have, but also typed a narrative of the same into the Notes and Life Sketch free form areas. My situation may be different as others in some of the paywall sites were mixing children to the wrong parents due to the "yours, mine and ours" confusion that can be created with multi marriages with kids.
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agreed. My parents married, divorced, my dad then married someone else, and my mom stayed single. My dad was then divorce by the second wife and my parents then remarried and voila I was born. So YES I cannot figure how to document all this.
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@VERONICAVALENCOURT, as explained upthread, you can only create one couple relationship between any two specific people, but you can enter as many relationship events for them as you'd like. Unfortunately, only the event with the earliest date will show in the Family Members section. One workaround for this display shortcoming is to create custom events in each person's Other Information section.
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So, I was adding my children to my tree. My daughter has been married twice. She has children from both marriages. How do I show that? Ancestry.com has the ability to handle that. I cannot see how to work around this here..... Thanks
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also, so I leave my daughter married to her first husband and put her second husband in "Custom Events"; with the children of the second marriage having different last names giving the clue there is a different spouse? Thanks, Veronica
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Assuming that your daughter and her children are still living, I would recommend not entering their personally identifiable information anywhere online, but that's a separate question.
Profiles in Family Tree can have as many couple and parent-child relationships as you want or need to enter. Go to the Family Members section on the Details page of a profile and use the appropriate "add" button to create the relationship. If the other person's profile already exists, use the "By ID" option; otherwise, fill out the popup with the new profile's information.
When someone has multiple spouses or parents, you use "Set Preferred" to choose which relationship is displayed in Tree views.