Same living person and the same tree. Different accounts. How to unify ID?

I've had my family tree for over 2 years, which includes my sister, her husband, and his parents. My sister just created a Family Search account and added her husband. Their IDs are NOT the same as the one I have in "my" family tree. The platform does not allow me or her to combine the ID of her name (her newly created account) with the ID of my family tree. How to solve so that we have the same family tree. That is the Family Search environment my sister has a single ID (from my tree) and takes advantage of all the research and ancestors that I have already researched and attached with sources? We want to work ONLY on a single family tree, including LIVE family members. How to proceed without generating a new ID or another family tree? Thanks in advance for the answers.
Best Answers
Family Tree protects privacy by limiting who can see the records of living people. Only the user who entered the information about a living person into Family Tree can see or change it.
Please be aware of these 2 possible exceptions:
- The memories attached to living people are potentially viewable by anyone. We recommend that you set the memories about living people to private.
- If a living person is linked to a deceased family member, other users can potentially see, change, or delete information about the relationship.
To protect the privacy of living people, multiple users can enter a profile for the same living person into Family Tree. Each record has a different ID. If you make changes to the profile of a living person that you can see, your change does not affect other profiles for the same person.
In most cases, the person's record becomes public after you add a death date to it. The Family Tree does not calculate whether a person whose record is marked as living could be deceased. The system does not change the status to deceased based on birth year. Only then, are you able to merge the different ID numbers into one.
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No, she will not have to enter all of the information. She needs to add one of your deceased ancestors that you share and the tree will start to populate. Give her IDs of your deceased grandparents (if they are deceased), then other ancestors will begin to show. Once her tree populates, she will see also see the memories, etc.
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I understand DebDT.
Thank you for the answers and I will implement the tree with my sister. If new questions arise, I'll ask again.
Thanks for your attention and efficiency.
Thanks, DebDT for the quick response.
As I understand it, the conclusion is:
-there is no way to unify my sister's IDs (from the account created by her and my account);
-she will have to enter all the data from my family tree and sources that we have in common (her, my parents, and grandparents who are alive); and
-there is no way to share the data researched by me (sources and memories) within the platform. She will have to re-enter all of the common ancestors that are alive.
Got it correctly?
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I want to point out that while yes, each of you have to enter your own versions of your living relatives, you don't actually need to put any work into this: if you don't offhand remember Mom-Mom's maiden name, you can just enter her as Mom-Mom. Nobody besides you will see it, and you're the only one who needs to know who you're talking about.
(Just make sure that at least one of you has an offline genealogy file that records everything you know about Mom-Mom, so that you have someplace to look things up when needed.)
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@Rhoan I would caution you about working too much on live people. If, say, 3 of you are siblings and are uploading memories of just live people (ie wedding photos of your children), unless you create albums and share links to the album, you cannot share that information with each other. And worse yet, when the first of you passes, depending on whether you are members of the LDS church or not, the information uploaded on live people created by the deceased person will be lost forever, unless the password for that account has been shared in advance. Below is a link which gives you detailed information.
My advice if you want to work collaboratively on live people is to do it in a subscription account, such as Ancestry. I manage 14 family member's DNA in Ancestry and they have full access to the work I do for them. Not only can we work collaborative on live or deceased people (I have given them all access to live people), the trees will all stay and be accessible to them after my demise, untimely or otherwise.
I do quite a bit of collaborating in FamilySearch, but only with deceased relatives.
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I actually do not communicate with the dead. What I mean (in case someone is very literal) I collaborate with living relatives and contacts about the dead. :)
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Thanks, Julia and
Gail for your answers. I appreciated it very much
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If both of you have access to the Helper functions of Family Tree, then one option is for both of you to set yourself as a helper for the other. When you are a helper for another person, you have access to much of the other person's account and can see all the living people that person has entered.
This article lists what a helper can and cannot do:
Set up helping each other by clicking on the Help icon and choosing Helper Resources:
That link brings you to this page where you can send a request to help someone:
The final option is to just wait. There has been mention in presentations for a few years now of being able to share living people in Family Tree. The first step came after years of development as the Family Groups feature. A couple of additions have been made to it since it's release. There is the possibility that the next update to that will the the sharing of living profiles feature. Will it be weeks in coming? Months? Years? No way to know.
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@Gordon Collett, be aware that "Helper Resources" appear to be LDS-only. The rest of us get "Helpful Resources":
The resulting page is missing your right-hand column, and if there is a way to get it to show, I haven't found it anywhere:
The featured "Dashboard" offers "Discovery Ideas" (which is just the Activities - All Activities page combined with the Recommended Tasks off the front/landing page), plus another way to get to one's Tree view, a Notes page, and a Plans page. No sign of helping or being helped anywhere.
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I know. I was trying to be a bit subtle regarding church membership in saying “IF both of you have access…” rather than including a blatant query regarding personal affiliations.
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“IF both of you have access…”
That would be too subtle even for many LDS members who have LDS accounts here on FS.