Fan chart - surnames come up shortened in pdf file prior to printing

Good morning,
Patron found that when she wanted to print a fan chart some of the surnames appeared incomplete when it gets saved in pdf file prior to printing. How this can be fixed ?
Example : surname " Zgorzelska" appeared as "Zgorze.... ; surname " Wojciechowska" appeared as " Wojcie....:
Thank you,
Best Answers
That is by intentional design (to squeeze it all on the page) . . . I doubt you will ever see that different
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I tried this. The key is that the whole name was taken into account so it is not just the length of the surname. I found names at the 7th generation were fully displayed with up to 17 characters, including spaces. One that was longer (because of a long middle name) was truncated to 14 characters with dots behind. Presumably this is to allow space for the dots.
Interestingly, in your examples, 17 characters are displayed plus the truncation in the first case but only 15 in the second case. This suggests that it is not based on numbers of characters but the length of them as well. However, this does not fully explain the difference as follows:
Franciszka Zgorze
Marianna Wojcie
Because of greater character width in the second name, it appears only one character shorter.
Generally the truncation seems odd as there is quite a bit of space in the box for more characters.
If this only affects a small number of ancestors then one option would be to edit the names to shorten them prior to printing the fan chart and then reversing the changes. A bit of a nuisance but easily doable in my case with only one name affected. I could change his middle name to just an initial temporarily.
Thank you,😊
Can you explain this in a little more detail?
How many characters/letters will fit in the 7th generation field in total ?. Surname of my ancestor in the 7th generation consists of 8 letters and it fits the field in its full lenght, whereas "Zgorzelska"consists of 10 letters and only 6 are visible - Zgorze and an ellipsis.
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Thank you very much for taking care of this and additional explanation and suggestion. I think you hit the nail on the head. Number of characters + lenght of characters. This morning I have picked up some of the individuals in FS and opened fan charts for them to give it a closer look. The farther from the center the narrower the fields so that 7 generation would fit . Tak a look at my examples :
7th geneartion : 18 characters in total including dots :
6th generation : 18 characters including dots :
The size of the fields in the fan chart :
In search of long American/Bristish surnames I have opened a list of 50 most common American names. To my surprise the longest on the list consisted of 10 characters. I wondered then if the length of the typical American given names+ surnames has to do with the size of the cells of the fan chart. Just a thought, no need to discuss it.
Thanks very much again,
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Yeh. Im not sure of the exact rhyme or reason of the precise scenario that ends up in a name being truncated or not.
Just doubtful that it will be changed by system admins - as there was some reasoning into the original design - even though the appearance of the truncation on the fanchart may seem somewhat flawed or illogical in its pattern of truncation.