Schepenboeken en transportregisters Amersfoort
Ik wilde u vragen of er in de toekomst nog de Schepenboeken en Transportregisters van Amersfoort worden gedigitalisseerd.
Dutch to English
Ship books and transport registers Amersfoort
I wanted to ask you whether the Aldermen's Books and Transport Registers of Amersfoort will be digitized in the future.
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The Schepenregisters and Transportregisters for Amersfoort are not in the FamilySearch Catalog. FamilySearch does not disclose what records they will next be digitizing.
However most of the archives in the Netherlands are now digitizing their records. Consequently, most of them are no longer permitting FamilySearch to digitize the records. Many also have a "Scan on Demand" service that allows you to request that a particular set of records be digitized. I suggest looking at the website of first the Archief Eemland, and then Gelders Archief and searching through their Inventories.