How can I delete someone that doesn't belong in my tree and can I delete my tree and start over?

I am Tonchita
Marjorie is my mother
I think I have made a mess with my tree and would really like to delete it and start over. Is that possible?
If that is not possible, I created this tree before I knew my mother was adopted and who her biological parents are. On her adopted parents sides indicated below - I included their ancestry information which I should not have done. I tried to delete them, but they were not eligible to be deleted.
Zinno Hurley Evans
Manola Sybil Mitchell
I know someone out there will know how to fix this!
Thank you!!!
Best Answers
The FamilySearch Family Tree (FSFT) is a single family tree for all humanity. There is no "my" tree. You cannot delete people unless they never existed. However you can enter 2 sets of parents for a person and specify one as the biological parents. Click on "Add Parent" underneath "Parents and Siblings" under the Family Members section of the profile page. I see that Majorie already has a pair of parents and two other single parents. If these two single parents are her biological parents, then you should create them as a couple (even if they never married) and set that couple as her biological parents.
Alternatively, if you wish to only record the biological relationship in FSFT and delete the adopted relationship, click on the pencil/page symbol besides her name underneath the set of adopted parents. Then click "remove or replace" by Majorie's name.
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@A van Helsdingen I have an adopted relative who's birth parents did not marry each other, but both married other people. I did not set that up as you suggested. The record of this relative of mine has 3 parents; one with the relationship of adopted to both, another with a relationships of bio to mom and step to dad and the third with bio to dad and step to mom. Depending on what I am working on, I switch the preferred couple so I can see the lineage. This relative of mine is in touch with some of her half siblings on both sides, and I will soon be in contact with one to work collaboratively on the tree. As it turned out, one of the birth parents actually married a 3rd cousin, so that whole line on both sides of the one couple is my adopted relative's family. Blood is important, but so is information.
Mod Note: Personally-identifying information for potentially living persons has been redacted.
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Thank you, I really appreciate your help. I am a very much a novice on genealogy.