We have a serious family tree issue involving bullying and profanity that needs to be resolved

I am being referred by Ron Tanner who told me that this needs to go to the admins and that it needs to be escalated to tier 3 level.
Here is the long story. This concerns my daughter Melinda Bowers. She has also tried to call and send information through the communities. My daughter is facing bullying, libel and profanity from another user who insists on adding unsupported information and deleting the extensively source supported work done by my daughter. I have attached a summary made by her of this situation. We have extensive documentation of this problem. What started out as a civil dialogue on FamilySearch with Jeffrey Stoker very quickly devolved into what is now a slow-moving train wreck. Here is a summary of the problem from my daughter. I have also a summary of her issues with this userBut it is too long
but it is in a Word Document.
James Tanner --
I am sorry your daughter is experiencing bullying libel and profanity from another user who insists on adding unsupported information and deleting the extensively source supported work done by her.
While FamilySearch Family Tree is a collaborative tree this sort of behaviour is not kind to say the least.
Below is a link to where you can be guided to the correct department.
Again I am sorry this is happing to your daughter.
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Mod Note - The original post has been edited to remove personally-identifying information.
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We have reported abuse that includes both bullying and profanity several times. I will be glad to submit it yet again. However, Ron Tanner suggested I use the community to report the incidents. I will not repeat everything here in this venue, but no one has answered neither my daughter's complaints nor my own except to reprimand us for identifying the perpetrator.
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Regular users of this Community forum are aware that this type of incident is not rare. Sadly, it seems FamilySearch is not usually willing to intervene unless the incident is considered extreme. Whether this particular issue will be addressed is really down to the site moderators - i.e., whether they deem it fit to escalate the matter - to "tier 3 level" (as Ron suggests) or otherwise.
It might be worth trying to report the matter by telephone - although that is not an option available here in the the UK or many other countries.
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Yes, I endured a problem for several months last year. It took multiple attempts before the trouble-maker was removed.
Now, he's back.
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