What does 24/12 mean in this indexed census?
Best Answer
If it is 24/12, then the child is 2 years of age. I'm not sure, but the 2 may have been crossed out (poorly), leaving the 4/12 - or 4 months.
You can see the instructions to enumerators on several sites. Not sure what year you are viewing, but the instructions for 1920 are
124. Ages of children.-Take particular pains to get the exact ages of children. In the case of a child not 5 years old, the age should be given in completed months, expressed as twelfths of a year. Thus the age of a child 3 months old would be entered as 3/12, a child 7 months old as 7.12, a child 1 year and 3 months old a 1 3/12, a child exactly 3 years old as 3 0/12, a child 3 years and 1 month old as 3 1/12, etc. If a child is not yet a month old, enter the age as 0/12. But note again that this question should be answered with reference to January 1. For instance, a child who is just a year old on the 5th of January 1920, should nevertheless be returned as 11.12, because that is its age in completed months on January 1.
Thank you so much! I'm very new at this, but this is all very exciting to me. Thank you again!