Wrong locations linked in many German church records
Hi FamilySearch-Team!
I noticed a problem with a whole batch of German church records which have been linked to the wrong location.
One example:
The record states two Baptism Places:
1) "Baptism Place (Original)": Wolfsburg, Fallersleben u. Meinerdingen, Fallersleben u. Meinerdingen, Hannover, Deutschland
This is CORRECT; it matches the "Church Name: Evangelische Kirche Neindorf (Kr. Gifhorn)" given further down.
2) "Baptism Place: Walmsburg, Bleckede, Hannover, Preußen, Deutschland"
This is WRONG.
I've got no idea how the two places got mixed up. Maybe "Wolfsburg" was misread as "Walmsburg", as all except two letters are identical. However, the two places are more than 100 km apart and I see no connection what so ever except similar names.
I found this incorrect connection between "Wolfsburg" and "Walmsburg" in many record entires of that batch:
The problem is that Family Search automatically adds Walmsburg as the place of baptism automatically when you link one of these documents to a person.
Maybe FamilySearch can correct this error for the whole batch instead of users correcting it for each record individually.
I found no way to do that. Sorry, I'm quite new to FamilySearch and not familiar with the details of how to handle documents.
Greetings from Germany
Best Answer
@HarmKopke Thank you for pointing out the error. We will pass it on to the engineers for correction. Unfortunately, we can't predict how long it will take for them to get it fixed.
We would also invite you to send a message directly to PlaceFeedback@familysearch.org. Said message will be reviewed by a dedicated team who manages our standardized place database. We thank you in advance.
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@M Haws, this is a report of an auto-standardization error. The automated process associated the wrong entity with the indexed text. The places database did not cause this incorrect choice, and Place Feedback cannot do anything to fix it.
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Mod Note: One post was edited to bring it in line with the Community Code of Conduct. Please be kind.
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@HarmKopke Thank you for reporting the inaccurate place standardization in the Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials recod collection. We have reported it to engineering. We are unable to predict how long it will take for the correction to be in place.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi, you are correct that the report is about the result of an automated standardization process; however, if the necessary data is not in the place system used for standardization, the automation can't get it right. That's why @M Haws invited the original poster to reach out to PlaceFeedback@familysearch.org. A quick search in the places research tool (see https://www.familysearch.org/research/places/?searchTypeaheadInputText=Wolfsburg,%20Germany&text=Wolfsburg%2C%20Germany) doesn't show any Wolfsburgs that look like the original event place noted in the record (meaning they don't match the full string very well). Granted, I don't know the first thing about German research so I'm not much help there.