My sister's name...

My sister Dorothy Baumgartner's last name is spelled wrong. Please spell it like this: Baumgartner
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We understand your sister, Dorothy Baumgartner, has her last name misspelled somewhere. We are unable to assist you, in the correction, until we get more information. Is there and ID number for us to find her information. Please let us know where it is spelled wrong. If it is in a source, we may not be able to change the spelling, but it can be noted when the source is attached. Sometimes the information can be edited.
We look forward to getting additional information, so we are in a position to advise you.
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Your Original Case Description:
Name of Person: Dorothy Elizabeth Baumgarter
Current Death Conclusion: Date: No date provided, Place: No place provided
Current Death Justification:
Living Request Justification: Dorothy is MY SISTER and she is STILL alive as of Dec. 27th, 2021.
Please reply to this email for help with the current issue. For assistance with all other questions or general FamilySearch topics, please visit our Community site at:
This is what I received. Her name IS DOROTHY ELIZABETH BAUMGARTNER. NOT the spelling above to the PID GQC5-ZNK The N was left out. And SHE IS NOT DEAD. She is my sister and I don't know WHO put her name as that and said she is dead. And she ISN'T.
Marjroie (Baumgartner) Heidemann
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As of now (10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Dec. 31), that PID shows as "person not found", meaning that the profile has been marked as living. This renders it invisible to everyone expect the person who entered it.