why does discovery person page ALWAYS list a step parent instead of the bio parent?

I can currently think of two, but I have seen it multiple times. My maternal grandfather Paul Earnest Farley K8W8-5CD has been showing his step mother as his mother since the new page started. As such it leaves off his full siblings and only shows his half siblings.
Same thing with my paternal grandmother Eula Monti Bircham GSGQ-PFT. It has never shown her bio mother.
Is this ever going to be fixed. When the new page came out, I thought it was a glitch that would eventually be fixed. There are no new changes so it has nothing to do with the page being updated or preferred parents. It is very frustrating to see this nice page with the wrong information
Best Answer
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
In relation to the "Discovery Pages", from "Ancestors.FamilySearch.org" ...
ONLY "One" Spouse, for an individual/person, appears on the "Discovery Pages" ...
[ If they have MORE than "One" Spouse ... ]
There DOES NOT seem to be, ANY 'rhyme or reason'; as, to WHICH Spouse appears (if there is MORE than ONE Spouse) for an individual/person; except, I did note that - IF, one Spouse HAS a "Discovery Page"; and, another Spouse DOES NOT have a "Discovery Page"; THEN, the Spouse WITH the "Discovery Page", WILL appear.
So ...
That Said ...
Following on from the aforementioned ...
In the matter, of the case, that you proffer ...
Perhaps ...
IF, the "Biological" Set of Parents (ie. either, one or both), DO NOT have a "Discovery Page"; and, the "Step" Set of Parents DO have "Discovery Pages"; THEN, it is most likely that the "Step" Parents, WILL appear; as opposed to, the "Biological" Parents.
This of course, is only summation (and, conjecture), on my part ...
The "Discovery Pages" seem to have 'a mind of their own' ...
[ Many of us, cannot work out what is going on, with the "Discovery Pages" ... ]
Just my thoughts.
Thank you Brett
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@Kathysexton70 The reason your grandfather Paul Farley's step mother is showing as his mother is because she is marked preferred. See attached. You can uncheck that and check the couple which has Hassie.
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Just in passing ...
As, has been discussed, in many previous posts, in this Forum, regarding the "Discovery Pages" ...
Having the "Preferred" set, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', DOES NOT mean/ensure that either, that Spouse; and/or, those Parents, will appear on the "Discovery Pages", for an individual/person.
In many cases it DOES NOT.
Not only I have experienced such; but, also OTHER Users/Patrons.
Just thought, that I would pass that on.
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I think the preferred is only for the person looking at the tree as I know for a fact that Hassie was selected as preferred yesterday and i just checked and she is STILL selected as preferred.
I do appreciate you trying to help me!
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"Changing" something (including: that 'Status' of "Preferred") in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', will NOT appear, in the "Discovery Pages", of "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [.org], of 'FamilySearch', for a couple of Weeks.
But ...
That Said ...
I would still suggest, that having the "Preferred" set, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', DOES NOT mean/ensure that either, that Spouse; and/or, those Parents, will appear on the "Discovery Pages", for an individual/person.
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I do understand that part Brett, but it has not been changd in months, at least no when I view from my account.
and I just double checked. It IS different from each persons account. From my husbands account it show Hassie is not the preferred mother but from my account it shows she is.
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Try setting the biological flag for each parent relationship. Then check to see in a few weeks when the Discovery Pages update if that fixes it for your family.
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thanks for the idea, but I have checked and they are set to bio for his bio mom and step for his stepmom