Help reading this document!
I am in the process of locating the birth commune and birth certificate of my great grandmother. Her name was Maria DiFilippis. I do not know much about her, other than her father's name was Francesco and her mother's name was Lucia. She was born approximately in March of 1879 (in Italy somewhere) and died in 1943 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
She had a baby girl, named Grazia, who was born in Cosenza, according to her birth record. I have attached the birth record (it is number 52).
According to this birth record, it says that Grazia was born on a street, which I am unable to read.
Here is where I need help:
1. Can you read the street name where Grazia was born? I believe it starts with an "R"? I am hoping that I can use this street name to locate a church, or something, near that I can search for a record that will give me more information regarding Maria.
2. Do you know of any old maps, or know where I can find them, of Cosenza area around 1900-1901? If I can locate a map of this area, this may help me in my search as well.
Thanks for any help anyone can provide!
Hola JeffAntico, un gusto poder ayudarte, puedes por la fechas aproximada entrar en tu árbol y en la barra de arriba dice: árbol das clic y se desplegara una lista hacia abajo das clic en encontrar y pones los datos de tu abuela y bajas donde dice buscar en forma exacta y buscas ahí el nombre de ella, de seguro hallaras a su esposo y su hija y podrás completar la búsqueda, no olvides que cada vez que trabajamos en esta obra tan sagrada debemos hacerlo con reverencia y mucho amor, siempre pidiendo al Padre en oración ferviente el Espíritu de Elías y de seguro ellos del otro lado del velo te ayudaran.
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Yes, I have already done this. I am not able to locate where she was born exactly.
I have my family tree built and current. I have information regarding her husband, but not her.
Can you help me with my specific question(s)?
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You have not provided the URL link that would enable a Community member to assist you with this.
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Here is a photo of it! Sorry!
Mod note: Image redacted.