Is it possible for headquarters to allow the time zone difference before taking back a batch?
At 8:30 pm Hawaii time, I was working on a batch which expired on December 7, 2021, when suddenly a message appeared that the batch I was working on (Grantor records from New York) was taken back by headquarters. I was almost finished at number 70 of 105. I was quite deflated, but I quickly started another batch and finished it.😲😥😂
Hi @luanakotobalavu1 . I and others feel your pain.. Below is a link to a “Suggest an Idea” conversation addressing this issue (see my comments) that you and others might want to support with up-votes. Maybe with enough up-votes it will get addressed by the development team sooner than it might otherwise.. You might mention it to your friends to check out and support.
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The entire system resets at Midnight Greenwich Mean Time which is -10 hours from Hawaiian time. So in Hawaii, the batches expire at 2 p.m. It is odd that the message would have appeared at 8:30 pm, but, I've never actually been able to work on an expired batch. Perhaps it was still on your screen from an earlier work session?
There should be a message on the right side of the screen that the batch expired.
It is probably impossible to allow for a world-wide system, like FamilySearch, to reset based on 38 different time zones.
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They only have to adjust the time shown on the user's screen to local time or have that time in parentheses right next to the GMT value. That wouldn't require much effort. It wouldn't be perfect - not as good as giving each of us a whole week (e.g.) by adjusting the expiry date,` but it would be helpful.
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I guess they could say this batch expires at 2:00 pm on December 7, 2021.
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Sure. Why not?
Right now, unless you have been "clued in," you rightfully expect that the expiration time you see is in your time zone. We're all accustomed to customer support pages showing their "open" hours with the time zones that apply - often Eastern or Pacific time zone. So, at least adopt that practice, or, better still, translate the expiration time to be valid in the user's local time zone (as you did), and post it with the applicable time zone - so there is no confusion.
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"It is probably impossible to allow for a world-wide system, like FamilySearch, to reset based on 38 different time zones."
It should not be difficult to set the expiry time to be a set number of hours, e.g. 168 hours (7 full days). 7 Full days is a lot more intuitive than the 7th midnight in London after starting the batch.
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I like your idea @A van Helsdingen because it is independent of local time zones. But I’d also like to see the due date/time given but fully qualified
e.g. something like
Due: Midnight 25 Dec 2021 GMT
(168 hrs remaining) - I.e. a countdown timer
Or maybe the latter expressed in days and hours.