Does FamilySearch run daily/hourly system/platform 'green-light' tests?
This could be a 'Suggest an Idea' but I can't really suggest it without asking questions.
Does FamilySearch run daily tests returning 'green-light' status for all systems - and possibly (various) updated version browsers - so that users' issues can be prevented or notified?
Some users report 'inconsistent'/unstable results in various areas. I realize FamilySearch cannot control Internet outages or other content delivery network cloud issues that are part of its app structures - but if such tests are run regularly and there is no banner indicating otherwise - databases and all systems should be stable and providing consistent results for the day - correct?
I have noticed regular maintenance banners - usually at night (day for eastern hemisphere users) - indicating when 'resources may be unavailable'. Is it safe to assume that without that banner - database/system checks are AOK/green-lit? That databases are not going to provide differing Results because something in the system is being refactored/maintained during non-maintenance timeframes?
'Suggest an Idea'
A banner indicating when system/platform issues arise that cause instability/unavailability. I am not sure this isn't already the case but just hoping all users have as smooth an experience as possible. I assume if FamilySearch is not doing background changes 'during business hours' - then all variability is introduced by users on the platform?
If there were a daily/hourly check (such as I envision) for most recent versions of browser - this type of occurrence would be notified by the banner - rather than the user reporting it.
I assume there should be alerts for any issues that would cause instability - is there typically a notice for these conditions?