How to filter the new IDEAS section for INDEXING Ideas?

RESOLVED How do we narrow the IDEAS section to view, review and vote on only Indexing Ideas?
UPDATE and Further Question: It appears that
such a search option exists now. If only I could reliably find it. I was fiddling around with searches on the "Suggest an Idea" section and ran into this beautiful search and filter panel below. It is the answer to my question. The only problem is that I cannot reliably cause it to appear. Thankfully I took a screen snip of it. Maybe one of the Moderators can tell us how to get to it "on-demand." Thanks.
Best Answer
I finally figured out how I got to the search/filter panel I posted earlier. Below is the screen where I made the critical selection: I searched on "Indexing Idea" from the Ideas page and then chose Discussions to narrow the search. The panel I previously posted appeared, as depicted below. It has many useful options:
Yes. This de-categorization is a terrible downgrade. I think it was rare enough that users would go to the Indexing Ideas "portal." Now, one has to work to find Ideas for improving Indexing from among the bucket of all FS Community improvement ideas. How likely will ideas/suggestions be seen and up or down-voted? I think it is pretty unlikely.
And we apparently can't even limit a search to just the Ideas section to narrow the "Ideas" that way.
This change is a big step backward.
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@genthusiast - How do we see the status of an idea?
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OK, so now I am on Windows 10 computer and do not see these filter options ... why is the mobile version different? Now I no longer see the filter options for Status from FamilySearch on the Windows 10 computer but still see them on the mobile version. Perhaps there is a glitch in the mobile version allowing this to be visible. There are addresses for each status type - for example, implemented:
I can see how these might be for development but really it would be nice to see what is accepted, rejected, under consideration, not planned, planned - seeing a roadmap might help users... It would be nice to filter by Category too...
You can change your view to a mobile device using F12 developer options and see the difference - here is a page describing this:
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Thanks. I’ll check that out on my desktop PC. But I don’t see the option on my iPad using Chrome. And I don’t see it using Safari. Please post a screenshot showing me where the option is on your Mobile device. That sure looks like a developer’s capability that I cannot imagine FS wanting to be public. Thanks.