What is a "New Poll"?

Will this be explained by 1 November?
Best Answer
Its 'Brett'
"Polls" have been around since the implementation of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, for many Years.
In the PREVIOUS version, of the the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, "Polls" were not uncommon.
They were particularly used, in the 'Groups', in the "Groups" Sections, of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; but, not exclusively. "Leaders" of 'Groups', often submitted "Polls", within their 'Groups", for various reasons; but, again, not exclusively so; as, sometimes 'lowly' Users/Patrons submitted "Polls', outside of the 'Groups' settings.
The "Polls" were in EXISTENCE even in this NEW Platform of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, when it started; and, had remained available since; but, not so 'easy' to spot; nor, as extensively used (if ever - except in the 'Groups'); as, in the PREVIOUS Platform.
Any User/Patron can submit a "Poll", for ANY reason, that they desire.
Think of a "Poll"; as, a 'Starting Point', for a "Discussion"; where, someone wants to either, raise awareness; or, get 'Feedback'/thoughts, on a particular matter.
Much like the days of the OLD 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum.
And, with "Polls" there is provision to "Vote".
Generally, outside of the 'Groups' setting, the "Polls" are mostly used by 'FamilySearch'.
[ But, again, not exclusively so ... ]
I hope this helps.
Hm ...
Just imagine ...
If a "Poll", was raised, by 'FamilySearch', in regard to, the NEW "Search" facility/function/feature (and, the "Results" page/screen); BEFORE, it was FULLY implemented into the "Production" (ie. "Live") Environment - and, that would have ONLY been relevant to the 10% of Users/Patrons who were the Pre-Release ... 'Guinea pigs"!!!???
Thanks for the explanation, Brett. I only really started using the previous version of Community shortly before the demise of GetSat.
I'm interested to see what Community will look like tomorrow - "Ideas" has already lost its separate sections, of course, so what else to come? Will find out soon enough!
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I got up this morning, Monday, 1 November 2021, thinking/expecting, that the NEW Enhanced version, of this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, would have been up and running ...
Then, I suddenly realised, that it was Monday, 1 November 2021, MY 'Locale' Time = UTC +10 Hours ...
( Oops, plus, "Day Light Saving" ... )
Oh well, I guess I will have to wait until 4 or 5 pm MY 'Locale' Time, till Monday, 1 November 2021, "Mountain" (Utah) 'Time' ....
As an aside ...
Funny you should ask the 'Question' about "Polls" ...
'Low and Behold' ...
Here is an actual "Poll", submitted by a User/Patron, about 4 am this morning, MY 'Locale' Time:
"Q and A" Section
'Category' = FamilySearch Community
Home > Help Center Categories > FamilySearch Community
Looking to find my Dad, ancestors!!!!!
Where the actual "Poll" appears DOWN at the BOTTOM of the post:
So if you can help me!
Find my Dad and my ancestors ? you may know me !
Thank you so much, for viewing!
Looking to find my Dad, ancestors!!!!!
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@Paul W & @Brett . - polls were temporary enabled, but have since been disabled. This is a feature we are exploring to determine if/how/where this fits in the community.
@Brett . - apologies for not being clearer on when the changes would take place. I'll make sure future announcement include a timeframe to reference.
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I would humbly suggest, that the "Polls", STILL "Fit", with the "Community.FamilySerarch" Forum.
[ Even, TODAY ... ]
I cannot every remember, myself, actually posting/submitting a "Poll" (but, I may have); but, I certainly remember, responding is a number.
"Polls" were good value ...
Both from the perspective of; especially, the "Groups" (and, the "Leaders" of the "Groups"); but, also, just in general.
The "Polls" were NOT overly used.
And, in just about every case, that I can remember, were quite, appropriate; and, effective.
Granted, in the case above, the "Poll" may NOT have been required/necessary; but, that said, there was not REAL problem/issue (or, offence - in fact, I thought it very good); and, the poster most probably just chose that format; BECAUSE, it was the "Default"/First on the "List".
PLEASE; Please; please ... DO NOT 'get rid of' "Polls" ...
Please ALLOW the existence and submission of "Polls", within the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; especially, in the "Groups"; but, also just in "General" - And, also please allow the 'lowly' Users/Patrons to submit/raise "Polls", if they so desire.
Please do not take "Polls" out of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
'Thank You' in advance.
ps: Not that my humble opinion matters much ...
..... [ As, a somewhat, long time, "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ... participant ... ]