Wrong links for some IMAGE collections from Norway?
Hi! When going to SEARCH - IMAGES, then entering Norway and clicking on the SEARCH IMAGE GROUPS button, a list of records, supposedly from Norway, emerges. However, some of the ones shown at the top of the list must have been wrongly linked, as when I click on some of them, I'm getting scanned British and US books instead of the relevant Norwegian record images. I don't know how many Norwegian records are wrongly linked in all... too many in the collection to check more than a few. Makes me wonder if these Norwegian records are linked to the corresponding titles of the scanned books...
Are these uploaded directly via Internet from the volunteers who scan records nationwide and worldwide? How can these errors occur, and is there anyone at FamilySearch headquarters I can contact to ask them to check and rectify these linkage errors?
Thanks for your help and best wishes from autumn Norway (a bit dark and dreary but some splendid colours on the deciduous trees).
There are many volunteers and staff working on organising the films to put this sort of problem right. Here in the UK, we are correcting the World War 1 army records that show up as a place, say Box, Wiltshire, when in fact the first filmed images just says Box 1!! Or the records could be for someone with surname of Box!! As you can imagine this is all going to take awhile, you could either comment in one of the Community groups where hopefully a missionary will feed the info back to the engineers, or email: support@familysearch.org.