Minnesota Obituaries
I am indexing Minnesota Obituaries. The image I am working on is like a page from someone's family history book, showing names, who the parents are and who they married and children, with dates. Some don't have dates for birth and death of the primary person, but does for their spouse. Would it be better to index the deceased part for the spouse who actually has dates, birth and death, and do the primary person as "other?"
To get the most accurate answer, it is best to share your batch. To do that you need to post the batch code which is the series of letters/numbers in brackets after the project title.
But, for the Minnesota Obits, the project instructions say:
- Mark all other images, including marriage, anniversary, and birthday announcements, family group sheets, family history stories, or live announcement articles, in Step 1: Images as No, No Extractable Data.
So, if this is a family group sheet or history it doesn't get indexed.
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