reporting fictional people
One of my (indirect) ancestors created a fake persona in an attempt to marry an underage partner in Nebraska Territory years ago. It was declared fraudulent by a court, which invalidated the license. Someone on FSFT now has created an entry for the fictional person. I've notified this person of the history of the fictional persona she has perpetrated on FSFT, but she appears to have no interest in fixing it. No temple ordinances have been done, but that appears to be only because records are insufficient. Nothing would stop someone from adding fictional details to do the temple ordinances for this fictional person. This goes beyond the typical quibble of whether one person's details are better than another person's. In this case, the target is fictional. I see no way to fix this in FSFT, and no way to report it,
It seems a desecration to allow the generation of fictional people in FSFT, since making up a few details would allow them to have actual ordinances.
You are experiencing the challenges of using a universal tree. These instructions are for how to remove and incorrect spouse. We appreciate your efforts to have the information in Family Search correct.
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Hello @Janet Brigham Rands,
This is a great example of a situation where, as James Tanner says (, FamilySearch is not the problem. Instead, FamilySearch, specifically Family Tree, is the solution. This is not a challenge of---but rather the fruit of---using a shared tree.
I too have found historical records of someone creating a false identity in order to defraud others and live a double life. What I have done, and what I recommend you do, is on the person page add a Discussion that explains in detail how the identity is false and provides your evidence that it is false. Discussions are seen only on the Family Tree web interface, so also add a Note mentioning the Discussion. Notes are seen also on the mobile app.
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"I see no way to fix this in FSFT"
Surely the way to fix this is to merge the "fake persona" with the person's "true identity". Add the "fake name" as an alternate "aka" name, and as dontiknowyou says, lots of notes and discussions.
Although the name may be fictional, the person using it was not.
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Excellent advice from @ColinCameron. The title of this post is a bit confusing, as I was expecting the question to be on the lines of how to remove a cartoon character, or one of the fictional Scandinavian kings that profiles are created for, from time to time.
No, as Colin says, this is certainly not a fictional person, but one whose ID needs to be merged with the one that represents the true identity of the distant relative, adding the "alternative name" and notes, as described.
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Hello @Janet Brigham Rands ,
Whether you decide to merge these two personas or not, you can leave a comment in the Life Sketch section of the Person Page.
That way, in the future, if someone is confused about the fictional person or the merge, they can easily see your comments right at the top to steer them in the right direction.
Best Wishes!
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Janet Brigham Rands,
Have you considered putting this story in the Collaborate section on the Detail page and even the Additional information?
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I had hoped that when I reported the details to FamilySearch, they would tell me the best thing to do, or do it themselves. I got zip from them, even when I called them. Even if FS has no problem with people doing temple ordinances for a made-up identity, well, I find it offensive. It also perpetuates the fraud. It seems very disrespectful of the system and the reasons for doing temple work. If I only leave notes and comments, it's possible and even likely people who are just gleaning names for the temple, at any cost, will ignore any comments. I'm uncomfortable with merging the fake and the real identities, since it seems to add an air of legitimacy to the fraudulent ID. I've reserved the fake person's ordinances to make it harder for someone to blithely print out reservation cards. The actual husband killed his wife after they had three children; he was tried and convicted, and served a sentence in the territorial penitentiary.
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This is not a typical case. If a person is clearly made up, they can be deleted from the FSFT. But this fake identity is not made up- your indirect ancestor actually used it and it is documented in records. I suppose you could call it an alias.
I suggest you should merge the two profiles, and make sure you include the fake identity as an alternate name and use the Life Sketch, Memories and Sources tabs to explain the situation.
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@JNotYoung thanks for your followup report.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
Just in passing ...
Firstly ...
I totally understand your concern ...
Secondly ...
Whereas ...
You say, that you got, 'zip', from 'FamilySearch' ...
I would humbly suggest, that such is not quite the case ...
Just in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum alone ...
▬ Moderators [ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel)], have tried to suggest, the best course of action, to you
▬ And, even OTHER Participants, have tried to suggest, the SAME.
Unfortunately ...
You DO NOT believe/feel, that "Merging"/"Combining", the REAL 'persona'; and, the FAKE 'persona', into ONE, with EXPLANITORY "Details", is acceptable.
And, of course, that is your choice ...
But ...
That Said ...
You CANNOT expect, that 'FamilySearch', would "Delete", the 'so called', FAKE 'persona'; simply, upon your request.
What about, the User/Patron, who created, that Record of that individual/person, who you CLAIM to be FAKE.
Are you 100% certain, that individual/person, created by the OTHER User/Patron, actually REPRESENTS, the FAKE 'persona'?
I am NOT saying that your are wrong; but, you COULD be ...
Now ...
That Said ...
REITERATING, what has ALREADY, been proffered ...
You BEST, course of ACTION, would be ...
IF, you, believe/feel; and, are 100% certain, that, the REAL 'persona'; and, the FAKE 'persona', ARE, in fact, one and the same person; THEN, to SIMPLY "Merge"/"Combine" them into ONE, with copious EXPLANITORY "Details" (including: "Alternate Names").
Whereby ...
Doing so, DOES NOT (as you say) "... add an air of legitimacy to the fraudulent..." 'persona'.
In fact, doing so; simply, 'gets rid', of the FAKE (ie. fraudulent) 'persona', altogether.
And, your EXPLANITORY "Details", COVERS the existence, of the FAKE (ie. fraudulent) 'persona'.
Like it or not, the FAKE (ie. fraudulent) 'persona' existed, at least, on "Paper"; although, not in real life.
And ...
Furthermore ...
IF, the OTHER User/Patron, who created, that Record of that individual/person, who you CLAIM to be FAKE, does not agree with the "Merge"/"Combine"; THEN, they CAN ,"Unmerge"; or, "Restore", the "Deleted" ( ie. "Archived") individual/person, if they so wish/desire - hopefully, ALSO with EXPLANATORY "Details".
The choice is yours ...
Good Luck.
Just my thoughts.
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Brett, Thank you for your support and your excellent comment.
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A van Helsdingen You say this is not a typical case, but I think it is an extreme case of something that in fact, was rather common. 120 years ago (and earlier) it was not difficult to change one's name - all one had to do is move and start using a new name. I personally favor the AKA solution, even in that extreme and unusual case where the court was involved. What a good story, though!