One of my (indirect) ancestors created a fake persona in an attempt to marry an underage partner in Nebraska Territory years ago. It was declared fraudulent by a court, which invalidated the license. Someone on FSFT now has created an entry for the fictional person. I've notified this person of the history of the fictional persona she has perpetrated on FSFT, but she appears to have no interest in fixing it. No temple ordinances have been done, but that appears to be only because records are insufficient. Nothing would stop someone from adding fictional details to do the temple ordinances for this fictional person. This goes beyond the typical quibble of whether one person's details are better than another person's. In this case, the target is fictional. I see no way to fix this in FSFT, and no way to report it,
It seems a desecration to allow the generation of fictional people in FSFT, since making up a few details would allow them to have actual ordinances.