My ggggg grandparents John Middleton and Elizabeth Palmer who married 1792 Arbroath Scotland, their named children is correct I have all their birth certificates , However the name of John parents is incorrect . I paid a great deal of money to Angus Council to trace John ,they where unable to find his birth or death records. His wife Elizabeth I have all her details. I am writing a book, I do not put my information on line. There is no Isabell recorded in the Middleton family. Some members do not research thoroughly enough.
Scots often named children by following a simple set of rules: This is the case in our family
· 1st son named after father's father.
· 2nd son named after mother's father.
· 3rd son named after father.
· 1st daughter named after mother's mother.
· 2nd daughter named after father's mother.
· 3rd daughter named after mother.
Warm regards Patricia Witt ( Middleton)