How do I submit a Monthly Roster when it requires information that is not there?
I am working on a Monthly Roster from 1935. There are the names of the men, and the date of the roster. The number of men does not match the number of names that are supposed to be in the batch, (40), but there is only one page that starts with the letter N. and the number it ends with is 52. The men's ages and date of birth are asked for, but that is not on the roster so I skipped those two areas. When I tried to submit I am told that that information needs to be! What do I do?
Best Answer
Hi Kathy
The ages and dates of birth are almost never written on those rosters, and you Ctrl +B (<Blank>) those Fields when they are not on the roster.
You probably have extra blank entries (not more records to be indexed) that you just need to delete. Use the trashcan icon in the middle of the horizontal toolbar with the option “all blank entries” and click “Delete.” See below for more details. Please share your batch to be sure (Help>Share Batch to see how).
Every Batch provides a default number of blank entries for each image that varies by Project. Think of it as a rough estimate of the number needed. But this does not imply that you must use all of them or conversely that they will be sufficient to index the records in your particular Batch. That is your call as you proceed through your images.
However, if you try to submit without removing the extra blank entries, you will get a message saying that you have multiple errors. These "errors" can easily be removed (or avoided) by deleting the extra blank entries using the trashcan icon. After you've finished indexing all your images, click on the trashcan icon and select the option "all blank entries," click "Delete." The extra entries will vanish. Note that the trashcan icon operates on the whole Batch (i.e., all images), so it is best to finish indexing all your images before removing the extra blank entries.
Likewise, suppose you need additional entries to complete indexing any given image. In that case, you can add them one by one using the prompt "Add Entry x" at the end of your indexing form or in bulk using the + icon next to the trashcan icon.
Many of these roster and rolls do not have all of the information requested. For those fields you mark them blank using control B.
The number of names on the rolls also varies considerably. You can adjust the number to fit your particular project by using the trash can icon to subtract or by adding additional entries as needed. I have worked on some with as few as 3 names and some with over 60.
Hope that helps
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You should read the project instructions carefully. Also read the field helps by clicking on the purple ?.
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Thank you very much!