Kazmira Tarczewska birth 1851 record #130.jpg Please could someone help me translate
do you have a zoomed in version of this? Quite hard to understand at this size. Something like:
"Year 1851, June, 10th in [church name] a baby was christened, name Kazimierz, rites were performed by priest [name]
parents: Jan and Victoria nee Gonewski? (Goniewski? Gonczewski?) [their current last name?] (nothing like Tarczewski, more like Urtunow or Urtynow) in lawful marriage gave birth to son on 5th of June in parish [name] (same as church name) village [name] (D-something)
godparents: peasants Jan Gonewski (or whatever the nee name was) and Antonina (Antolina?), wife of Anton Straczyński"
really hard to say more at current image resolution
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I will see if I can find the link to the scan I got it off of here. Thank you so much.
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Thank you I found this on family search. I'm wondering if I have to go to the stae archives to see if they have a better copy. Please accept my apologies