Translation of 1808 Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico engagement record, please?
Would someone be willing to translate the 1808 engagement record for Jose Margarito Pardo and Basilia Garcia found on Ancestry, please?
Thank you very much!
(name removed)
So first of all, that record is also available in Family Search: record link, image link, image 89 of 370 in image group 004752313 or image 852 of 2236 on FHL film 771985, suggested tree match of 9F7Q-W5M (María Basilia /García Robledo/).
And I wouldn't call it an "engagement record", I generally use the term "pre-marriage registration". That sort of record reports that the parties were engaged to each other, and were not engaged to anyone else, but doesn't specify a date when they entered such a promise. The important time-factor was that there had to be time for the banns to be read in church three times between the preparation of the document and the wedding-ceremony.
But here's a transcription, and my translation…
En el Real del Cerro de San Pedro Potosí, en õcho dias del mes de Febrero del Año de mil õcho sientos õcho; Ante mí el Bʳ Dⁿ Josse Mariano Peres Calderón, Ex Abad de la Mas Ylle y Venerable Congregasion de Nrõ Padre Sõr Sⁿ Pedro, Cita en la Ciudad de Sⁿ Luis Potosí, Subactual Secretario Notario, Rebisor, y Expurgador de Libros pʳ el Santo Tribunal de la Ynquisicion; Cura y Juez ẽccô Substituto de este dhô Rẽal, por Auciencia del Proprietario: Compareció un Hombre que dijo llamarse: Jose Margarito Pardo, ỹ dixo, que para mejor serbir ã Dios, quería contraher Matrimonio segun õrden de Nuestra Santa madre Yglesia, con Maria Basilia Garsia, Y para ẽl ẽfecto desde luego haviendole Yo explicado la gravedad del juramento, y de la Materia, õbligasīon de desir verdad en caso Pecados enque incurre Penas ẽternas, y Temporales aquien de lo contrario se sugeta, le recibí Juramento que hiso pʳ Dios Nrõ Sõr y la Señal dela Santa Cruz, en Forma, y vago de su Fẽe, prometió desir verdad en quanto se le preguntara, y haviendole ẽcho las preguntas quẽ previene la Ynstruccion general de ãsumpto dixo: que se llama Jose Margarito Pardo, Natural y Vezino de la Hazienda de Masias, de calidad Ẽspañol, de ẽdad de veinte y un años, hijo Lexitimo de Jose Fracisco Pardo, y de Mâ. Gertruds Gusman que viven; que ẽs soltero, que siempre ha vivido en dhã Hazienda, sinhaver tenido su Vezindad ni Rẽsidencia Considerable en õtra parte, Y que con ẽfecto quiere Contraher Matrimonio, con Mã Basilia Garsia, Natural y Vecina dela de Equia, de Calidad Ẽspañola, hija lexitima de Jose Maria Garsia y de Mã. Antonia Robledo que viven, de ẽstado Donsella, de ẽdad de veinte años, y que con ella no tiene vinculo alguno y Parentesco Espiritual, y solo sĩ el virrento de Parentesco por Consanguinidad; y aunque nõ tenía notisia, ni reconocimiento de tal Parentesco, ãntes de Tratar de su Matrimonio, dado ya el Consentimiento por parte de los Padres de su Pretensa, êstos declararon ser |
Translation: At the Royal [fortress] of the Hill of San Pedro Potosí [=Saint Peter], on February 8th, 1808, before me [titles] José [=Joseph] Mariano Peres Calderón, formerly abbot of the Most Illustrious and Venerable Congregation of Our Father Lord Saint Peter, situated in the city of San Luis Potosí, current deputy Notary-Secretay, Revisor, and Book-Censor for the Holy Tribunal of the Inquisition, Priest and Ecclesiastic Judge, substitute at this said Royal [fortress] because of the absence of the Owner: appeared a man who said he is named: José Margarito Pardo, and said, that in order to better serve God, he wanted to contract matrimony according to the order of Our Holy Mother Church, with Maria Basilia Garsia; and for effect from then onward, I having explaind the gravity of the oath and the matter [and] obligation to tell the truth, [and that in case of] sin he would subject himself to eternal and temporal punishment, I received an oath that he made, by God Our Lord and the sign of the Holy Cross, according to the form of and under his Faith, [in which] he promised to say the truth regarding that which he was questioned, and I having given him the questions which precede the General Instruction regarding the matter, he said: that he is named Jose Margarito Pardo, native and resident of the estate of Masias, race Spaniard, age 21 years, legitimate son of José Francisco Pardo and María Gertrudis Guzmán, who [both] live. That he is single, [and] that he has always lived in said estate without having had his neighborhood or residence considerable in [any] other place, and that with effect he wants to contract marriage with María Bacilia García, native and resident of the estate of Equia (??), race Spaniard, legitimate daughter of José María García and María Antonia Robledo who [both] live, and [she] of status Maiden, age 20 years, and that the said his fiancée has always been resident of the said estate; that he is not related to her by affinity nor by licit or illicit intercourse, nor by spiritual kinship, and only the [???] of kinship by blood; and even though he did not have notice nor knowledge of such kinship before dealing regarding his marriage, already having been given consent by the parents of his fiancée, these declared [themselves] to be |
That's the end of the page, but the document continues across five more images, ending on image 94 of the DGS or image 857 of the film. The fiancé's declaration continues with a reationship-chart, showing that his grandfather Lorenzo Gusmán was the brother of the fiancée's great-grandmother, Manuela Gusmán.
He goes on to say that he is not engaged to anyone else, has not taken a vow of chastity, is not married, etc. That he intends to contract marriage of his own free will and choice. That he was completely ignorant of such kinship. That in the event the wedding does not take place, his fiancée will be dishonored ("ynfamada"), not only in the place of their residence, but in other places where it was made public and notorious. … And that this is all the truth, that what he said is the truth, according to the oath that he has taken, which he affirmed and ratified, [but] he did not sign, because he did not know [how to write]. Hence the scribe signed for him.
Most of the next page is a similar declaration by the fiancée ("pretensa", intended bride). In between is a loose half-sheet of paper, a written declaration by the father of the fiancée (in his own hand?) giving his consent for her to marry.
Then there are statements by witnesses: Marcos Antonio de Rocha, Marselino Antonio Gusmán, and Jose Ysidoro Sibsian.
Then multiple closing statements by José Mariano Pérez Calderón, and separate written approvals by Miguel Mendes and Fernado Conpuzano; the last dated February 17th, 1808.
So yes, that's an important document. It probably contains some information not found in the wedding-certificate itself.
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Thank you so very much, David! My deep apologies for such a slow response to your fantastic transcription and translation of this record. Plus I very much appreciate the additional information you gave me regarding the background of this document, an alternate source for this document and the additional pages to this document. You have gone above and beyond, and I greatly appreciate your help.