Volumes of Cuban research that still needs to be added to Family Search
I am 88 years old and have accumulated many binders of collected many copies of sources, including books, pedigrees, family group sheets, letters with family information. For the last 45 years I've been trying to get it all added into Family Search. Much of it is already there, but much is not there yet. I have been working at the Layton Family Search Center and receiving help 3 days a week and I realize I'm not going to be able to finish. My family does not have the time or interest in doing this work. I don't want to lose the information I have gathered.
Is anyone interested in working with my documentation? I'm not sure where to turn for help.
I speak Spanish, and some English.
Thank you.
I know the books can be sent to the Salt Lake City FamilySearch Center for copying and preservation. I would call them 801-240-6996 to see about the rest of your genealogy.
I wish you great luck with this. PaulaAnn