Translation help
Thank you, Family Search community, for any and all of your help. I am trying to translate this record of Seferino Paz's death on July 6 1906, (link below to Family Search document). Thank you for being so helpful, as my Spanish is not that great.
This has more info in the death record than I am used to seeing. It says loosely:
In the Villa of Meoqui at 9am on July 6 1906, before me, Maximo Gonzales, Civil Status Judge, appeared the citizen Antonio Salgado (goes on to describe Antonio) who presented certification from doctor Enrique M. Gonzalez which states that at 5:30pm in the afternoon yesterday in this municipality in section 8 the Mr. Seferino Paz died as the consequence of double pneumonia. The deceased is originally from the municipality of Guadalupe District Camargo and is 62 years old, married, laborer and the son of the deceased Jose Paz and Claudia Juarez. He was married to Mrs. Epefania Jimenez of whose marriage gave 8 children, 4 males 4 females named Maximino, Luis, Juan, Hilario, Evangelista, Cayetana, Ysidora, and Rosa all with the last name Paz.
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Thank you so much Laura!