Blocked German records
Unfortunately you have blocked more and more records from view, and I can no longer access these even though I had saved the links to the records. This is particularly the case in the Posen area. Once in a while I come across these records in Ancestry, i.e. Ancestry is using the filmings by FS, while FS no longer allows this, presumably for financial reason. But, my recommendation is to add a comment or link to the organization which has the rights to the scans i.e. Ancestry, polish archives, Archion,... so they can be found. It is not possible to maintain membership in all these organizations just to be able to look if they have the records. Then at least we know where to find them. FHC are closed with Corona or not accessible for distance reasons, so that is not an option for the blocked content. PLEASE anotate to whom you gave the rights so we can find it. Thank you. Karin Cox, Germany
Liebe Karin Cox
Ihre Bitte habe ich in die Verbesserungsvorschläge kopiert. Vielleicht wollen Sie einmal dort hingehen und Ihre Zustimmung geben.
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Ja, das ist wahrlich ärgerlich. Es geht mir gerade auch so. Ein hinweis wo die Quellen liegen wäre wirklich von Vorteil. So kann man später wenigstens zugreifen.
Liebe Grüsse